[Wsssc] FW: Request for Information: WEIA Equity and Access Funding - DEI Strategic Plans and Culturally Appropriate Outreach Programs

Ha Nguyen hnguyen at sbctc.edu
Tue Aug 2 12:23:36 PDT 2022

Hello, WSSSC colleagues - please see below for an important request for information related to the WEIA equity and access funds allocated in 2021-2022. Thanks in advance for your timely responses, please feel free to reach out should you have any questions, etc. Best - Ha
From: Ha Nguyen <hnguyen at sbctc.edu<mailto:hnguyen at sbctc.edu>>
Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2022 11:12 AM
To: Diversity and Equity Officers Commission (DEOC); 'Barry Robinson '; 'Bryce Humpherys'; Carli Schiffner; 'Cathy Leaker'; 'Charlie Parker'; 'Emily Lardner'; 'Heidi Ypma'; 'Ilder Betancourt Lopez'; 'Jenni Martin'; 'Jennifer Ernst'; 'Jess Clark '; 'Jim Brady'; 'Johnny Hu'; 'Joyce Hammer'; Kenneth Lawson; 'Kerry Levett'; 'Kim Chapman'; Finnel, Kristen; 'Lori Hunt'; 'Malcolm Grothe'; 'Marissa Schlesinger'; 'Martin Cockroft'; 'Michael Lee'; 'Michelle Andreas'; 'Miles Jackson'; 'Nicole Lacroix'; 'Paul Wickline'; 'Peter Lortz'; King, Phillip; 'Rob Viens'; 'Rolita Ezeonu'; Sayumi.Irey; Shannon Bell; 'Stephanie Delaney'; 'Steven Thomas'; 'Suzy Ames'; 'Thomas Broxson'; 'Tod Treat'; Valerie Sundby; 'Wendy Rockhill'
Cc: Melissa Williams; Christina Pleasants
Subject: Request for Information: WEIA Equity and Access Funding - DEI Strategic Plans and Culturally Appropriate Outreach Programs

Hello, DEOC, IC, and WSSSC Colleagues:

In addition to the funding allocations and reporting requirements noted per the recent 2021-22 WEIA Survey<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/F6L6F8G>, colleges received $6,630,000 in Equity and Access funding in 2021-2022 to assist with the development of their DEI Strategic Plans and Culturally Appropriate Outreach Programs.

As such, we will also need to collect information related to these allocations to inform the WEIA annual report as required by the legislature by December 2022. A brief, supplementary survey can be found here<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5L3QMWW>. In tandem with Carli's request below, PLEASE submit your college responses no later than COB, Friday, September 9, 2022.

Thank you for your incredible work, it is much appreciated!!

Ha, Melissa, & Christina

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Department
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
edi at sbctc.edu<mailto:edi at sbctc.edu> * Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FSBCTCWashington&data=04%7C01%7C%7C63d0e5dbcad24d8efc3308d98770b8e6%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637689740690577531%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=5Ez5R6qDrFRQwmMmGkjwOZtEi%2Bvcvl8%2BGIBL7EEOyNg%3D&reserved=0> * Facebook: @WASBCTC<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fwasbctc%2F&data=04%7C01%7C%7C63d0e5dbcad24d8efc3308d98770b8e6%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637689740690577531%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=cPL1T9anKaDsF3QiHIj6IaytHajhcggr7Wx9U2gw5QU%3D&reserved=0>
                                                SBCTC Vision
"Leading with racial equity, our colleges maximize student potential and transform lives
within a culture of belonging that advances racial, social, and economic justice
in service to our diverse communities."

From: Carli Schiffner
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2022 7:38 AM
To: 'Barry Robinson ' <brobinson1 at whatcom.edu<mailto:brobinson1 at whatcom.edu>>; 'Bryce Humpherys' <bryceh at bigbend.edu<mailto:bryceh at bigbend.edu>>; 'Carli Schiffner' <cschiffner at sbctc.edu<mailto:cschiffner at sbctc.edu>>; 'Cathy Leaker' <cleaker at everettcc.edu<mailto:cleaker at everettcc.edu>>; 'Charlie Parker' <CParker at pierce.ctc.edu<mailto:CParker at pierce.ctc.edu>>; 'Emily Lardner' <elardner at highline.edu<mailto:elardner at highline.edu>>; 'Heidi Ypma' <hypma at btc.edu<mailto:hypma at btc.edu>>; 'Ilder Betancourt Lopez' <IBetancourtLopez at pierce.ctc.edu<mailto:IBetancourtLopez at pierce.ctc.edu>>; 'Jenni Martin' <Jenni.martin at scc.spokane.edu<mailto:Jenni.martin at scc.spokane.edu>>; 'Jennifer Ernst' <jernst at yvcc.edu<mailto:jernst at yvcc.edu>>; 'Jess Clark ' <Jessica.clark at wwcc.edu<mailto:Jessica.clark at wwcc.edu>>; 'Jim Brady' <jim.brady at sfcc.spokane.edu<mailto:jim.brady at sfcc.spokane.edu>>; 'Johnny Hu' <johnny.hu at Batestech.edu<mailto:johnny.hu at Batestech.edu>>; 'Joyce Hammer' <joyce.hammer at centralia.edu<mailto:joyce.hammer at centralia.edu>>; 'Kenneth Lawson' <kenneth.lawson at skagit.edu<mailto:kenneth.lawson at skagit.edu>>; 'Kerry Levett' <klevett at cascadia.edu<mailto:klevett at cascadia.edu>>; 'Kim Chapman' <Kim.chapman at email.edcc.edu<mailto:Kim.chapman at email.edcc.edu>>; 'Kristen Finnel' <kfinnel at lowercolumbia.edu<mailto:kfinnel at lowercolumbia.edu>>; 'Lori Hunt' <Lori.Hunt at ccs.spokane.edu<mailto:Lori.Hunt at ccs.spokane.edu>>; 'Malcolm Grothe' <malcolm.grothe at seattlecolleges.edu<mailto:malcolm.grothe at seattlecolleges.edu>>; 'Marissa Schlesinger' <mschlesinger at tacomacc.edu<mailto:mschlesinger at tacomacc.edu>>; 'Martin Cockroft' <mcockroft at olympic.edu<mailto:mcockroft at olympic.edu>>; 'Michael Lee' <mlee at columbiabasin.edu<mailto:mlee at columbiabasin.edu>>; 'Michelle Andreas' <mandreas at spscc.ctc.edu<mailto:mandreas at spscc.ctc.edu>>; 'Miles Jackson' <mjackson at clark.edu<mailto:mjackson at clark.edu>>; 'Nicole Lacroix' <Nicole.lacroix at ghc.edu<mailto:Nicole.lacroix at ghc.edu>>; 'Paul Wickline' <pwickline at clark.edu<mailto:pwickline at clark.edu>>; 'Peter Lortz' <peter.lortz at seattlecolleges.edu<mailto:peter.lortz at seattlecolleges.edu>>; 'Phillip King' <pking at shoreline.edu<mailto:pking at shoreline.edu>>; 'Rob Viens' <rob.viens at bellevuecollege.edu<mailto:rob.viens at bellevuecollege.edu>>; 'Rolita Ezeonu' <rezeonu at greenriver.edu<mailto:rezeonu at greenriver.edu>>; 'Sayumi Irey' <sayumi.irey at seattlecolleges.edu<mailto:sayumi.irey at seattlecolleges.edu>>; 'Shannon Bell' <sbell at sbctc.edu<mailto:sbell at sbctc.edu>>; 'Stephanie Delaney' <sdelaney at rtc.edu<mailto:sdelaney at rtc.edu>>; 'Steven Thomas' <sthomas at pencol.edu<mailto:sthomas at pencol.edu>>; 'Suzy Ames' <suzanne.ames at lwtech.edu<mailto:suzanne.ames at lwtech.edu>>; 'Thomas Broxson' <thomas.broxson at cptc.edu<mailto:thomas.broxson at cptc.edu>>; 'Tod Treat' <ttreat at wvc.edu<mailto:ttreat at wvc.edu>>; Valerie Sundby <vsundby at sbctc.edu<mailto:vsundby at sbctc.edu>>; 'Wendy Rockhill' <Wendy.rockhill at seattlecolleges.edu<mailto:Wendy.rockhill at seattlecolleges.edu>>
Cc: Ana Ybarra <aybarra at sbctc.edu<mailto:aybarra at sbctc.edu>>; 'Denise Costello' <dcostello at sbctc.edu<mailto:dcostello at sbctc.edu>>; Jamie Traugott <jtraugott at sbctc.edu<mailto:jtraugott at sbctc.edu>>; Joe Holliday <jholliday at sbctc.edu<mailto:jholliday at sbctc.edu>>; Lynn Palmanteer-Holder <lpalmanteer-holder at sbctc.edu<mailto:lpalmanteer-holder at sbctc.edu>>; Marie Bruin <mbruin at sbctc.edu<mailto:mbruin at sbctc.edu>>; Michael Brown <mbrown at sbctc.edu<mailto:mbrown at sbctc.edu>>; 'Monica Wilson' <mwilson at sbctc.edu<mailto:mwilson at sbctc.edu>>; 'Summer Kenesson' <skenesson at sbctc.edu<mailto:skenesson at sbctc.edu>>; Valerie Sundby <vsundby at sbctc.edu<mailto:vsundby at sbctc.edu>>; William Durden <wdurden at sbctc.edu<mailto:wdurden at sbctc.edu>>; Shannon Bell <sbell at sbctc.edu<mailto:sbell at sbctc.edu>>
Subject: Request for Information for Workforce Education Investment Act Funding (#2158--Guided Pathways, Nursing Salary Funding, High Demand Salary Funding, plus High Demand Program Funding).
Importance: High

Dear Vice Presidents of Instruction and Student Services,

I hope this finds you well and enjoying the warm weather!

In 2019, the Workforce Education Investment Act (WEIA) passed House Bill 2158 providing a funding mechanism for numerous investments in higher education in the state. It included creating the Washington College Grant as an entitlement program, identified funding for nurse educators and high demand faculty salary increases, and provided funding for fully mobilizing Guided Pathways. The first year of this funding was allocated to the colleges in two ways:  $100,000 for each college for Guided Pathways planning work, and $20 million for nurse educator salaries distributed to individual colleges based on headcount. The second year of this funding, expanded Guided Pathways funding and included high demand salary funding. In the last biennium, funds were expanded to include high demand program funding.

As part of the Workforce Education Investment Act legislation, an oversight board was established. Their primary responsibility is to account for the effectiveness of these funds. To do this, an annual report is required to be submitted to the Legislature by December, however, our portion is due October 1.

In order to address this required reporting, we need your help! We need each college to complete the following survey so we can populate our section of the report to the oversight board. Please complete this survey by Friday, September 9.

2021-22 WEIA Survey<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/F6L6F8G>

Also, attached is a document that contains all the questions in the survey in case you find that an easier way to manage.  This is being sent to both Vice Presidents of Instruction and Student Services-so please coordinate your responses and submit one survey per college. Thank you!

Thank you for your assistance in gathering this information for our required reporting on WEIA!

Please reach out if you have any questions! Always happy to hear from you!

[image004.jpg at 01D8A660]Carli Schiffner, Ph.D.
Deputy Executive Director of Education
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
cschiffner at sbctc.edu<mailto:cschiffner at sbctc.edu> * o: 360-704-4353  * c: 509-683-2963
sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/> * Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://twitter.com/SBCTCWashington> * Facebook: @WASBCTC<https://www.facebook.com/wasbctc/>

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