[Wctcca] Election for Western Rep - Please vote!

Houge, Jennifer jhouge at lcc.ctc.edu
Thu Jul 21 10:28:02 PDT 2022


Kattie Dang of Bellevue College has been nominated and has accepted the nomination for Western Rep for the WCTCCA Steering Committee.  Please reply to this email to cast your vote, yay/nay, for this important position.  We are super excited to have Kattie join us (hopefully) and will miss our Margaret!

We do still have an Eastern Rep position available as well as a Secretary position.  We desperately need these positions (and others) filled in order to be in compliance with our by-laws.  Please email me directly if you or anyone you know may be interested.

One last request...please reply to this email with any requests for our association.  We would love to meet the needs of everyone serving in our distinct and unique positions as well as offer camaraderie and support for each other.

Please keep a lookout for a WCTCCA Newsletter coming soon.  Hopefully we will reach some of our colleagues not already involved!

Thank you for everything you do for students!

Jennifer Houge, MS
Lower Columbia College
jhouge at lowercolumbia.edu<https://mail.lowercolumbia.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=FtK0Mj0mt-nyiOXecv6nDQS5jrgS0FDF0gach6B7MK2Yi4qBDR3YCA..&URL=mailto%3ajhouge%40lowercolumbia.edu>
ZOOM OFFICE:  https://lowercolumbia.zoom.us/j/4149111253

"My religion is simple.  My religion is kindness." - Dalai Lama

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