[Wactclc-primo] CDI Update: Strategies, Tips, and Tricks for Troubleshooting

Guidry, Wade WadeG at bigbend.edu
Thu Nov 19 16:10:04 PST 2020

For those of you involved in electronic resources management or support, the recent CDI Update: Strategies, Tips, and Tricks for Troubleshooting webinar is pretty useful. It's available to be viewed as either a YouTube<https://youtu.be/Jg_K0pHREGc> video, WebEx<https://proquestmeetings.webex.com/proquestmeetings/lsr.php?RCID=d0e08e3529bcdaca2edc9a08a74883c6> recording, and PDF<https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/@api/deki/files/93958/CDI_Update_-_Strategies%252C_Tips%252C_and_Tricks_for_Troubleshooting.pdf?revision=1>. This information is also posted on a Knowledge Center Primo webinar page<https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Primo/Product_Materials/Primo_Webinars>, with a recording link also added to the CDI Recorded Webinars & Training page<https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Primo/Content_Corner/Central_Discovery_Index/Documentation_and_Training/050Recorded_Webinars_and_Training>.

The session nicesly summarizes a lot of things we discussed during the lead up to CDI implementation this year.

Here is the outline for the 43-minute session:

  *   Introduction (0:00)
  *   CDI Key Concepts (0:50)
     *   CDI Filtered Search & Expand Search (0:55)
     *   Databases versus selective/aggregator collections (3:12)
     *   CDI Terminology (4:11)
  *   CDI Troubleshooting, Tips and Tricks (8:00)
     *   Finding records for a specific Alma collection (10:28)
     *   Search by PNX recordID (14:33)
     *   How can I troubleshoot linking issues? (23:42)
     *   How can I troubleshoot Linkresolver linking problems? (27:50)
     *   Differences in Full-text availability indication between brief and full display (35:18)
  *   Documentation & Support (41:20)
  *   Conclusion (42:49)

Wade Guidry
Library Consortium Services Manager
wadeg at bigbend.edu<mailto:wadeg at bigbend.edu>

Pronouns: he/him/his

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