[Wactclc-primo] ProQuest search box on web

Staley, Laura lstaley at rtc.edu
Tue Jun 9 13:48:55 PDT 2020

Hi, All -

Just FYI - this is about https://search.proquest.com.   It's a followup to a discussion we had about this in this morning's Alma/Primo meeting.

I wondered why Renton Tech didn't show up in the list of possible libraries.  So I called ProQuest Tech Support, they quickly did something (unspecified) at their end, and we now appear as an option.

When I selected Renton Tech as my library, I got the standard RTC authentication box. And after log-in, as of now, it just shows our usual subscription databases.  If there is more/other open material, it's not showing up currently. Of course, it doesn't officially roll out until next week, so that may be a factor.

As someone else noted this morning, I'm still not sure why it's here, unless it is to make sure that when our students Google ProQuest, they get to our databases.

(I should say also that I don't know that we're required to call them. It's possible that we will all be in there when it officially goes live next week.)


Laura Staley / RTC Library

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