[Wactclc-alma] On call for jury duty next week

Guidry, Wade WadeG at bigbend.edu
Fri Mar 13 14:13:05 PDT 2020

Just a head's up, I will be on-call for jury duty next week.

I don't think the courts in my county get a ton of cases that go to trial, so I'm guessing I won't actually get called up.

And if I do get called up, I'll still be working before and after duty, and during lunch times. So I don't anticipate any big impact on my service.

I'll provide updates in the event that I do get called up for any cases.

(I suspect there is also a chance that court cases get delayed on account of coronavirus considerations... )

Wade Guidry
Library Consortium Services Manager
wadeg at bigbend.edu<mailto:wadeg at bigbend.edu>

Pronouns: he/him/his

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