[RO] Summer Residency Rodeo

Melissa Beard mbeard at councilofpresidents.org
Tue Jun 18 15:08:53 PDT 2024

Hello friends!
I sent a meeting request through the ctc lists but I am not sure if it went through. If it did, I apologize for the second message.

Summer Residency Rodeo
Monday, July 22

Looking forward to seeing you!

Melissa Beard, PhD (she/her/hers)
Director of Legislative Affairs| Council of Presidents
Tel: O: 360.292.4102 C: 360.402.0582  l mbeard at councilofpresidents.org<mailto:jgarver at councilofpresidents.org>
| councilofpresidents.org | Twitter: @CouncilofPresWA

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