[RO] Absent WA Resident?

Tanjagay Martin tmartin at sbctc.edu
Mon Jul 1 09:19:22 PDT 2024

Good morning, Nicki.

Domicile is physical presence plus the intent to reside permanently in Washington. Temporary Sojourn allows Washington residents to leave the state intending to return to the state, proving that the absence is "temporary." You mentioned that the father has maintained his Washington ties. Can he provide information that they will return to Washington upon fulfilling his overseas contract? The handbook emphasizes, "A temporary stay is usually fact-specific and should be determined on a case-by-case basis."


Tanjagay Martin | ctcLink Functional Trainer

WA State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
PO Box 42495 | 1500 Jefferson St. SE, Olympia, WA 98501-2495
tmartin at sbctc.edu<mailto:tmartin at sbctc.edu>

From: RO <ro-bounces at lists.ctc.edu> On Behalf Of Nicki Williams via RO
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2024 8:51 AM
To: ro at lists.ctc.edu
Subject: [RO] Absent WA Resident?

[Sent from outside SBCTC]

Hello all!

We have an applicant who lives in Shanghai with her parents. Her father is a middle school teacher at an international private school. He has maintained all legal ties to Washington since he's been abroad, files federal taxes, license, has a permanent address, etc. However, since he is not physically here and does not plan on returning permanently until he retires - Would you all consider the student a non-resident?

Nicki Williams
Residency Officer | Assistant to the Registrar
Office of the Registrar | Bouillon 140
509-963-3001 | reg at cwu.edu<mailto:reg at cwu.edu>

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