[LIBRARYDIR] WACTCLC Training MarcEdit & OpenRefine

Hill, Carleigh CarleighH at bigbend.edu
Mon Jun 3 10:11:03 PDT 2024

Something that crosses ILS and may be interesting to folks who have not attended a WACTCLC Open Call before:

Analyzing and cleaning up catalog records with MarcEdit and OpenRefine!

Tomorrow June 4, 10-11 am<https://bigbend.zoom.us/j/5097950190?pwd=ZTFNNzZVaFdER1pYOUhJZG1MY0h4QT09> (link to Zoom)
SJ Devereux has graciously offered to introduce the group to these tools for batch cataloging work.
I will facilitate discussion and make note of needs for future sessions, but this will be very informal.
Here's a link to MarcEdit<https://marcedit.reeset.net/downloads>
Here's a link to OpenRefine<https://openrefine.org/>
Both will need to be downloaded prior to the session if you want to follow along, but should not require admin privilege's on your computer to be operational.

The call will be recorded and available later on the WACTCLC YouTube channel.


Carleigh E. Hill (she/her)

Services Manager



Book a meeting with me<https://calendly.com/librarianchill/meet>

509-795-0140 (text & voice)
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