[LIBRARYDIR] Fw: AI + Open Education Initiative at MIT Open Learning

Boyoung Chae bchae at sbctc.edu
Tue Jul 16 11:51:38 PDT 2024

Please see this great opportunity below.

The MIT OpenCourseWare Collaborations Program is thrilled to announce the AI + Open Education Initiative<https://aiopeneducation.pubpub.org/> at MIT Open Learning, and we invite you to participate in this project.

The remarkable growth of Artificial Intelligence poses new benefits and challenges for open education. To meet the moment, MIT Open Learning invites practitioners in open education and AI from around the world to submit proposals for rapid response papers or multimedia projects that explore the future of open education in an ecosystem inhabited and shaped by AI systems.

The goal? To publicly share the projects under an open license to advance open education for the benefit of all learners.

The Call for Abstracts<https://aiopeneducation.pubpub.org/2024call> is now open! Deadline for proposals: September 1, 2024.

We hope you will consider submitting a proposal. We’d also greatly appreciate it if you would help us spread the word about this exciting opportunity – we’re eager for a wide range of perspectives on this important topic.

Shira Segal and Sarah Hansen
MIT OpenCourseWare Collaborations Program

P.S. Easy links for sharing across your networks:

MIT Open Learning announces call for proposals at the intersection of AI and open education <https://medium.com/open-learning/mit-open-learning-announces-call-for-proposals-at-the-intersection-of-ai-and-open-education-6389717cd370> (Medium article)
MIT Open Learning X (Twitter) post<https://x.com/mitopenlearning/status/1812879911050236143> and LinkedIn post<https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7218645887512707074/?actorCompanyId=74540637>
MIT OpenCourseWare LinkedIn post<https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7218695712950136834>
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