[LIBRARYDIR] New OER: Diversity and Social Justice Faculty Guide

Bem, Greg Greg.Bem at lwtech.edu
Fri Feb 4 11:05:04 PST 2022

Good morning, LLC!

LWTech has just released a new PressBook as part of an OER initiative at the college: the Diversity and Social Justice Faculty Guide. This eBook, which is an anthology of writings from faculty who are teaching to the LWTech DSJ requirement, is designed to be both informative and practical.

Access the Book Here<https://openwa.pressbooks.pub/dsj2021/>

Feel free to email me directly if you have any comments of questions! Please consider sharing with anyone doing DSJ/EDI work at your own school.

Have a great day,


Greg Bem, MLIS
Faculty Library Coordinator
Library Learning Commons
Lake Washington Inst. Of Technology
Pronouns: he/him/his

Vice President, AFT 3533, '21-'22

Contact Info
greg.bem at lwtech.edu<mailto:greg.bem at lwtech.edu%0d>
425-739-8100 xt.8898

Chat with me on Microsoft Teams<https://teams.microsoft.com/>, or
Chat with librarians 24/7 on Ask a Librarian<https://askwa.libanswers.com/widget_chat.php?hash=3da0756f9dbe8539f215b050f583e53e>

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