[Lcta] Council Proposal - Final Call
Taylor, Janice (Tutoring Services)
jltaylor at clark.edu
Wed Nov 6 10:23:40 PST 2024
I would like to thank those of you that have gotten into Teams to make sure everything is accessible to you and those that reached out needing assistance with access. If you have not done so already, please take a moment this week to get in and check things out 🙂
We need to move forward with the Council Proposal. I have received only 7 votes on submission and a handful of update suggestions. The proposal has been revised with some formatting updates but no content adjustments. If you have not already done so, please log into Teams and submit your vote for submission based on this newest copy (attached). SUBMIT YOUR VOTE HERE<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/message/19:WQAFUvSOzmfRB9JzirB5-TNpeUo_mOjlJod2UMZ6-881@thread.tacv2/1729284794684?tenantId=f00c0413-1d6c-437c-869f-4b4d01ab65ed&groupId=b96824b9-a209-44e5-8ca2-1e4835424987&parentMessageId=1729284794684&teamName=Learning%20%26%20Tutoring%20Center%20Council&channelName=General&createdTime=1729284794684>.
Thank you to everyone for consideration in taking Lyall's board position, Jeff Janosik from Shoreline has graciously volunteered to fulfill this position and membership supports him in this role. Welcome, Jeff! Thank you for stepping in!
Quick reminder, there have been channels created on some of the hot topics we had in our meeting. Please add your insights and input to these different channels to continue the discussion. They include:
Budget & Funding
Goals & Assessment
Staff Trainings and Certification
Tutoring & Guided Pathways
Tutoring Learning Center Organization
Tutoring Workshops and Trainings
Have another hot topic to add? Let us know!
Janice L. Taylor (she/her)
Program Manager, Clark College Tutoring Services
Office: FHL 202, Mail Stop: FHL 222
Direct Line: (360)992-2773
Email: jltaylor at clark.edu
“We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color.” — Maya Angelou
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