[Lcta] Nominations for LTCA board and new bylaws draft

Rudenskjold, Lyall Lyall.Rudenskjold at Seattlecolleges.edu
Thu May 23 09:52:16 PDT 2024

Greetings LTCA!

Many thanks for filling out our form for updating our listserv and membership list. We just have a couple more quick tasks for you in advance of our meeting on Friday, May 31:

  *   Using this new membership list as a reference, please use this nomination form<https://forms.office.com/r/nYXvjCr88T> to select up to two people for the two open LTCA board seats. Members are also welcome to nominate themselves if they are interested in joining the board 😊. We will contact those nominated to determine their interest and vote on all confirmed candidates during the meeting.
  *   In the meeting, we will also vote on ratifying a new draft of the LTCA bylaws. Attached is that new draft, including all the changes proposed and supported during our last meeting. A comment appears next to each revision describing the change. Please read through the draft and send any questions or comments to any board members.

We also just completed a cleanup of the LTCA listserv membership list and folks who were removed from the listserv were notified via email. If someone needs to be added / readded to the listserv, please have them email Lyall Rudenskjold: lyall.rudenskjold at seattlecolleges.edu<mailto:lyall.rudenskjold at seattlecolleges.edu>, and he can get them added to the listserv.

Thanks in advance for your extra help and input in advance of the meeting. We will send out an agenda and Zoom link beforehand and look forward to seeing you all!

Best regards,

The LTCA board

Lindsey Powers
Shannon Pressley
Lyall Rudenskjold
Ward Ryder

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