[Lcta] [EXTERNAL] [SPAM] Do you receive 522 funding?

Taylor, Janice (Tutoring Services) jltaylor at clark.edu
Wed Mar 20 11:30:40 PDT 2024

Hi Ariel,

Tutoring at Clark College has a dedicated instructional budget and has never been funded through student fees.  However, several years ago we did put in a request for funding from our Tech Fee to support the tutors and staff that work in the centers and help students with computer related issues and such since all of our centers are also computer labs.  Tech Fee is student money and is voted on by students, it already supported lab aides in all the other computer labs on campus.  Our request was approved and has been approved every year since.  So indirectly, we are also receiving a stipend from student fees for that portion of our services.

Janice L. Taylor (she/her)
Program Manager, Clark College Tutoring Services

**I am usually found in the Tutoring Centers across campus assisting students and staff - email is the best way to reach me**
Office: FHL 202, Mail Stop: FHL 222
Direct Line: (360)992-2773
Email: jltaylor at clark.edu

[Image of quote, "In diversity there is beauty and there is strength" - Maya Angelou with blue background]

From: LCTA <lcta-bounces at lists.ctc.edu> On Behalf Of Ariel Wetzel via LCTA
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2024 10:16 AM
To: lcta at lists.ctc.edu
Cc: Adrienne Palmer <APalmer at greenriver.edu>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Lcta] [SPAM] Do you receive 522 funding?

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Hello Learning Center Colleagues,

My name is Ariel Wetzel, and I'm the director of the Writing & Reading Center at Green River College. We learned recently that our Associated Student government would no longer be supporting tutoring centers through 522 funds. 522 funds are a "[l]ocal fund maintained by colleges and universities to account for locally approved student body activities" (WA Office of Financial Management). At Green River College, the Writing & Reading Center, Tutoring & Resource Center, and Math Learning Center were funded through 522 in addition to a permanent instructional budget.

Our student government cited that our peer institutions were no longer funding tutoring through 522 funds. I wanted to reach out and do my own research. Are your centers partially funded through 522 / student activity fees? I would appreciate any information you're able to share to bring back to my college.

Thank you,


Pronouns: they/them

Director, Writing & Reading Center

English Faculty

Meet with a Writing & Reading Center Tutor

Book an Appointment: greenriver.mywconline.com<https://greenriver.mywconline.com/>

Location: RLC 174

Writing & Reading Center Phone: 253-333-6022

Director's Phone: 253-931-6960

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