[Lcta] Job Opportunity: Program Coordinators, Evergreen State College Math/Science and Writing Center

Clark, Ansley Ansley.Clark at evergreen.edu
Wed Jul 10 12:06:41 PDT 2024

Sharing two .75 FTE program coordinator positions with the group. We are hiring one coordinator for the QuaSR Center (math and science) and one coordinator for the Writing Center. The positions close on July 30th.

You are welcome to share widely—this would be a great position for recently graduated tutors or other entry-level tutoring and learning center professionals.


Writing Center Program Coordinator: The Evergreen State College Portal | Tutorial Center Program Coordinator (peopleadmin.com)<https://evergreen.peopleadmin.com/postings/4029>

QuaSR Center Program Coordinator: The Evergreen State College Portal | Tutorial Center Program Coordinator (peopleadmin.com)<https://evergreen.peopleadmin.com/postings/4030>

Ansley Clark (she/her)

Director of the Writing Center
The Evergreen State College

Library 2306


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