[Lcta] LTCA Winter Quarter Meeting Announcement - February 2, 9:00 - noon

Rudenskjold, Lyall Lyall.Rudenskjold at Seattlecolleges.edu
Wed Jan 17 09:45:44 PST 2024

Greetings LTCA members!

Happy Winter quarter from your LTCA board! We hope you've all managed a successful start to the year and that any resolutions are holding strong.

It's that time again for us to come together again to touch base, have some useful discussions, share experiences, and plot paths forward. Our Winter quarter meeting is scheduled for Friday February 2, from 9:00 am to noon. The Zoom information is provided below, as is the link to the agenda.

Since one of our discussion points is the betterment of our Canvas page, we're also including that link.  Please have a quick perusal before the meeting, with thought toward how the page might be better organized or what content may be dropped or added. If you don't have access, there is also a link below to a screenshot of the main page, whose content and layout we're mostly concerned about. Finally, in the event you don't have access, please email Lindsey Powers at lindsey.powers at bellevuecollege.edu<mailto:lindsey.powers at bellevuecollege.edu>, and she can help begin the process for you.

Shannon Pressley is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: LTCA Winter Meeting
Time: Feb 2, 2024 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 469 246 4896
Passcode: marcbec

LTCA Winter Meeting.docx<https://testtacomacc-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/spressley_tacomacc_edu/ESotOuuf4ltPrjNpqqFgxLABWPZFZN7gn7F0jONwpmoPTg?e=W22n2Y>

The Canvas link: https://canvas.seattlecolleges.edu/courses/18992/pages/welcome
Screenshot of the main Canvas page if you do not have access: LTCA Canvas Classroom.docx<https://testtacomacc-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/spressley_tacomacc_edu/EfoTRJtemYlPgT-hk0a87jMB9dnd8V5zv7DEPVbvZv-W-w?e=Xr5aTk>

We're looking forward to seeing everyone again!

Best regards,

Your LTCA board

Lindsey Powers
Shannon Pressley
Lyall Rudenskjold
Ward Ryder

Lyall Rudenskjold, M.Ed. (he/him)
Director, Student Learning Center
North Seattle College
Office: HS1638B
Phone: 206-934-4754

[cid:image001.png at 01DA4929.F056D440]<https://northseattle.edu/>

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