[Lcta] [EXTERNAL] LTCA Board Leadership Nominations
Taylor, Janice (Tutoring Services)
jltaylor at clark.edu
Wed May 3 13:56:28 PDT 2023
That would be great, thanks! I tried to go in and pull it but had to be an administrator and could not.
You gave a deadline of Friday for us to respond 😊
From: Tarker, Daniel <Daniel.Tarker at seattlecolleges.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 1:48 PM
To: 'lcta at lists.ctc.edu' <lcta at lists.ctc.edu>; Taylor, Janice (Tutoring Services) <jltaylor at clark.edu>
Subject: Re: [Lcta] [EXTERNAL] LTCA Board Leadership Nominations
Hi Janice,
Thanks for this. We should come up with a list of members. I can see what I can pull from the listserv later this week.
Daniel Tarker, MFA, Ed.D.
Interim Associate Dean of the Library and Learning Support Services
North Seattle College
daniel.tarker at seattlecolleges.edu<mailto:daniel.tarker at seattlecolleges.edu>
(206) 934-4754
Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly <https://calendly.com/daniel-tarker/30min>
From: LCTA <lcta-bounces at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:lcta-bounces at lists.ctc.edu>> on behalf of Taylor, Janice (Tutoring Services) via LCTA <lcta at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:lcta at lists.ctc.edu>>
Sent: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 1:21 PM
To: 'lcta at lists.ctc.edu' <lcta at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:lcta at lists.ctc.edu>>
Subject: Re: [Lcta] [EXTERNAL] LTCA Board Leadership Nominations
Hello Everyone,
I am really struggling to remember everyone’s name to even complete this nomination. Would folx be willing to reply with their name so we have a comprehensive list of members to choose from (especially if you are willing to be nominated 😉).
From: LCTA <lcta-bounces at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:lcta-bounces at lists.ctc.edu>> On Behalf Of Tarker, Daniel via LCTA
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 8:33 AM
To: 'lcta at lists.ctc.edu' <lcta at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:lcta at lists.ctc.edu>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Lcta] LTCA Board Leadership Nominations
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Hi all,
I hope everybody's spring quarter is off to a rollicking good start 😀
Below is a form to nominate up to four colleagues - including yourself - to serve of the Learning and Tutoring Center Administrator's board for next year. At our last meeting, we decided to experiment with eliminating titles and just electing four representatives to serve on the board.
Once we have nominees, we will reach out to them and see if they are interested and then do another round of voting with those willing to serve to make it official.
The deadline to nominate folks is Friday May 5.
LTCA Board Nomination Form Spring 2023<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSen6C6h6TYfuKjQwyZK08dTnXEuGVH0WwCURK4Jh6uL03huqA/viewform?usp=sf_link>
Please nominate up to four LTCA colleagues to the board using the form below. This can include yourself. Deadline: Friday May 5, 2023 Once nominations are complete, we will send out a ballot so people can vote on nominees. We are moving away from using formal titles such as chair and will let the four people selected for the board self-organize to meet the needs of the group.
Daniel Tarker, MFA, Ed.D.
Interim Associate Dean of the Library and Learning Support Services
North Seattle College
daniel.tarker at seattlecolleges.edu<mailto:daniel.tarker at seattlecolleges.edu>
(206) 934-4754
Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly <https://calendly.com/daniel-tarker/30min>
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