[Lcta] Meeting Next Friday

Tarker, Daniel Daniel.Tarker at seattlecolleges.edu
Fri Apr 7 14:00:00 PDT 2023

Hi LTCA folks,

Looks like some of us will be meeting next Friday. Please send any agenda items you would like to discuss. Some items I'd like to suggest -

Student engagement with in-person services
1050 Rule Responses Update
Selecting a New Board

As you can see from my job title below, I've had a lot more responsibility added to my plate the past year, so I have not been able to keep up organizing this group. Would love to find some fresh blood to take over leadership.

Also, there has been a lot of transition over the past year, so please share our meeting invite - and this email - with any learning center admin who would like to join this group.


Daniel Tarker, MFA, Ed.D.
Interim Associate Dean of the Library and Learning Support Services
North Seattle College
daniel.tarker at seattlecolleges.edu
(206) 934-4754
Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly <https://calendly.com/daniel-tarker/30min>

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