[Lcta] Fall LTCA Meeting
Tarker, Daniel
Daniel.Tarker at seattlecolleges.edu
Fri Oct 16 08:59:41 PDT 2020
Hi Learning and Tutoring Center Association,
Hope you are all doing well this fall quarter.
The LTCA board – Lindsey Burke, Ward Ryder, and I - met this week and settled on a date for our next LTCA meeting and a meeting agenda.
Date: Friday, November 6
Time: 8:45 am (Zoom opens for virtual coffee time); 9 am – 12 pm (Meeting)
8:00 am – Ice Breaker – What books, movies, TV shows or podcasts have you excited right now?
8:30 am – Breakout discussion about what you have learned, best practices you have developed, and changes you have made to your services followed by a share out to the larger group.
9:50 am – 10-minute break
10:00 am – LTCA Fee and Dues Structure Conversation – Lindsey Burke
10:30 am – Starfish Questions
10:40 am – Nominating Vacant Board Position
11:00 am – Committees – Relaunching old ones or starting news ones
* Research
* Guided Pathways
* Faculty & Staff Relations
12 pm – Adjourn
Take care and stay well.
Dan Tarker (He, him, his) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: LTCA Fall Meeting
Time: Oct 16, 2020 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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