[GuidedPathways] FW: Developing an Assessment Cycle in Student Affairs Check-In Meeting - August Availability

Amunoo Tembo atembo at sbctc.edu
Mon Jul 8 15:16:47 PDT 2024

From: Amunoo Tembo
Sent: Monday, July 8, 2024 3:12 PM
Cc: Monica Wilson <mwilson at sbctc.edu>; Brook Bane <BBane at sbctc.edu>; Moriah Reid-Nnanabu <mreid-nnanabu at sbctc.edu>; Guava Jordan <gjordan at sbctc.edu>; Clear Pathway Consulting Services <clearpathwaycs1 at gmail.com>; Dawn Draus <ddraus at sbctc.edu>; Christine McMullin <cmcmullin at sbctc.edu>
Subject: Developing an Assessment Cycle in Student Affairs Check-In Meeting - August Availability

Hi Everyone,
We hope this email finds you well!
As part of the Assessment Cycle with Student Affairs series, many of you participated in workshops and developed assessment plans for your areas. We'd love to connect with you in August to discuss your progress and plan for a follow-up meeting and in preparation for the 2024-2025 year. Our hope is to check in, in August followed by an assessment planning meeting in Fall 2024 quarter.
Developing an Assessment Cycle in Student Affairs Check- in Meeting Goals (August):

  *   Review the Assessment Cycle with Student Affairs series and materials.
  *   Discuss how many staff were able to utilize the assessment plan templates.
  *   Explore whether you shared the assessment plans with your departments, divisions and or institutions.
  *   Learn about your experiences using the templates.
  *   Gather feedback for the upcoming Fall Assessment Planning meeting.
Doodle Poll for Availability:
To schedule a convenient time for this check-in meeting, please indicate your availability for August using this Doodle poll link: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/erMz8qWd. To better help us with planning for this meeting, please complete the doodle poll no later than July 25, 2024, by 5:00pm PST.
The poll includes various times throughout the month, so please choose the slots that work best for you. We will aim to schedule the meeting at a time that accommodates the most participants.
Please note: This will be a quick virtual check-in, and we anticipate it to last no longer than 45-60 minutes.
Thank you for your participation and we look forward to connecting with you in August!
Amunoo Tembo

[Title: SBCTC logo - Description: Compass]Amunoo Tembo (she/her/hers)
Policy Associate, Student Success and Pathway Navigation
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
Email: atembo at sbctc.edu|<mailto:atembo at sbctc.edu|> Phone: 360-704-1020
Student Success Center<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/programs-services/student-success-center/>

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