[GuidedPathways] Your Input Shapes the Future: Survey on Career Services Management Tools

Amunoo Tembo atembo at sbctc.edu
Mon Jun 24 14:50:24 PDT 2024

Happy Summer Quarter! The Student Success Center at SBCTC is renowned for the commitment to student success. To ensure our institutions are equipped to best serve your career development needs, we're conducting a brief survey<https://forms.gle/6Ss1QSMY4VBXtzpf8> to understand the current landscape of career services management tools.
Your participation is invaluable. This survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete, and your responses will be anonymous.
The insights we gather will be used to:

  *   Identify the most common career services management tools used by Washington colleges.
  *   Understand the strengths and weaknesses of current solutions.
  *   Explore ways to better support career services professionals and ultimately, enhance student success.
By participating, you'll be helping us:

  *   Advocate for the best possible resources for career development at your college.
  *   Shape the future of career services management tools in Washington.
Please select the answer that best reflects your college's current practices as you complete this short survey<https://forms.gle/6Ss1QSMY4VBXtzpf8> on Career Services Management in WA Community and Technical Colleges.
Thank you for your time and commitment to student success!

[Title: SBCTC logo - Description: Compass]Amunoo Tembo (she/her/hers)
Policy Associate, Student Success and Pathway Navigation
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
Email: atembo at sbctc.edu|<mailto:atembo at sbctc.edu|> Phone: 360-704-1020
Student Success Center<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/programs-services/student-success-center/>

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