[GuidedPathways] FW: Invitation to NSC ECCP Virtual Learning Series – Session 1: Rural Community College & Industry Partnerships

Monica Wilson mwilson at sbctc.edu
Wed Apr 24 15:25:25 PDT 2024

[Compass]Monica Wilson (she|her|hers)<https://medium.com/gender-inclusivit/why-i-put-pronouns-on-my-email-signature-and-linkedin-profile-and-you-should-too-d3dc942c8743>
Director, Student Success Center & Strategic Initiatives
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
Cell: 503-307-1555 | e: mwilson at sbctc.edu<mailto:mwilson at sbctc.edu> | website: www.sbctc.edu<http://www.sbctc.edu/>
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                                                                                           SBCTC Vision
                         “Leading with racial equity, our colleges maximize student potential and transform lives
                          within a culture of belonging that advances racial, social, and economic justice
                         in service to our diverse communities.”

From: Kate Michaels <KateM at nationalskillscoalition.org> On Behalf Of Lindsey Reichlin Cruse
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 10:04 AM
Cc: Jeannine LaPrad <JeannineL at nationalskillscoalition.org>; Lindsey Reichlin Cruse <LindseyRC at nationalskillscoalition.org>; Kate Michaels <KateM at nationalskillscoalition.org>
Subject: Invitation to NSC ECCP Virtual Learning Series – Session 1: Rural Community College & Industry Partnerships

[Sent from outside SBCTC]

Dear NSC partner,

We are delighted to invite you to the first event of the National Skills Coalition’s Expanding College & Career Possibilities<https://nationalskillscoalition.org/networks/state-initiatives-and-academies/policy-action-initiative/> (ECCP) Virtual Learning Series. This inaugural session will showcase findings from NSC's forthcoming report – College and Career Possibilities Rooted in Place: How Rural Community College and Industry Partnerships Help People, Communities, and Businesses Thrive. It will explore the opportunities and best practices that characterize rural community college-industry collaborations, and the policy strategies that can support and sustain them, through engaging panel discussions with the authors and a set of rural community college leaders and interactive breakout sessions to encourage learning and an exchange of ideas around how to support and strengthen these partnerships to benefit rural learners, employers, and communities.

Event Details: REGISTER HERE<https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcudOCrrDMqG9Ct4naTLZRpLc-sjJhdEU00#/registration>

  *   Topic: Rural Community College-Industry Partnerships
  *   Date & Time: Tuesday, April 30, 2024, from 1:00-2:30 pm ET
  *   Location: Zoom (link shared with registration)

About the ECCP Virtual Learning Series

What: This event is the first of NSC’s quarterly ECCP<https://nationalskillscoalition.org/networks/state-initiatives-and-academies/policy-action-initiative/> Virtual Learning Series, which we are launching to advance the goals of our Making College Work<https://nationalskillscoalition.org/makingcollegework/> campaign and specifically to expand working people’s access to quality non-degree credentials that offer equitable pathways to good careers and further education. This series aims to engage state agency, community college, and national policy leaders, advocates, practitioners, and experts from at least 20 states in quarterly virtual sessions to facilitate peer-to-peer learning, elevate promising policy strategies, and create momentum for state systems change for advancing student-centered investments and policies intended to increase access and support for students pursuing short-term, career-oriented education and training. Our hope is that participants will walk away with new ideas, partners, and models for policy and systems change aimed at expanding financial aid, increasing holistic supports, reducing student basic needs insecurity, and strengthening career pathways that lead to good jobs for new majority learners pursuing quality short-term programs and pathways.

Who: This series is tailored for leaders and staff across state higher education, workforce development, and human services agencies, community and technical colleges, community college systems and associations, workforce development organizations, community-based organizations, and NSC’s SkillSPAN and BLU networks. It is designed to strengthen relationships, facilitate knowledge exchange, share promising policy strategies, and encourage action for policy and systems change.

While these events are not open to the public, we welcome you to share this invitation with colleagues and partners who you feel could benefit from and contribute to the conversation.

Please register here<https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcudOCrrDMqG9Ct4naTLZRpLc-sjJhdEU00#/registration> to confirm your attendance. By registering, you will receive the event Zoom link and additional details.

We look forward to your participation and meaningful contributions to the series. Please feel free to reach out directly with any questions by emailing katem at nationalskillscoalition.org<mailto:katem at nationalskillscoalition.org>.


Lindsey, Jeannine, and Kate

National Skills Coalition

1250 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 200, Washington DC 20036


Register for the 2024 Skills Summit!<https://www.nationalskillssummit.com/>

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