[GuidedPathways] Launching Corequisite Mathematics

Laura Schueller lschueller at sbctc.edu
Fri Jan 7 13:10:13 PST 2022

Good Afternoon,

For the past few years a number of colleges within our system have been experimenting with, implementing, and even scaling corequisite mathematics courses.  Twelve of those colleges have been involved in a College Spark Washington Learning Community for the last 18 months where they have learned from and with each other in their corequisite work.

We have learned a great deal and are hoping to share that learning with other colleges who are interested in launching, restarting, or growing their own corequisite mathematics work.

On January 19th, there will be a series of sessions - you are invited to send a team or individuals to one or more if you are interested in learning more about corequisites for mathematics.  No registration is required for the three web sessions, but office hours in the afternoon will be available by appointment only.  The sessions will be recorded and materials made available for those who are interested but unable to attend at these times.  These sessions are most appropriate for colleges who are interested in corequisite mathematics but don't know where to start.  An event is being planned for spring (tentatively April 20-21) to offer a deeper dive which will be more appropriate for colleges looking to scale up or iterate current corequisite offerings.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions or concerns.

9-10am Making the Case for Mathematics Corequisites - A chance to set some common language and look at data. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84942864437

10:15-11:15am Mitigating the Obstacles to Implementing Mathematics Corequisites - A look at some of the common obstacles (other departments using precollege courses as prereqs, scheduling, deciding on the "right" number of credits, grading policies) and looking at what other colleges in our system have done to mitigate these problems. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83810159693

12:00-1:00pm Let's Talk Curriculum - A session especially for mathematics faculty to think about what it means to design corequisite courses as just in time college level support and how to find course materials. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85807601543

2:30-5:00pm Office Hours By Appointment - A chance for individuals or college teams to get some technical assistance on the issues for their particular college or situation.


Laura M Schueller | Student Success Center
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
1300 Quince St SE | PO Box 42495
Olympia, WA 98504-2495
lschueller at sbctc.edu<mailto:lschueller at sbctc.edu>
sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/> * Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://twitter.com/SBCTCWashington> * Facebook: @WASBCTC

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