[GuidedPathways] [UCE] HB 2158 Guided Pathways state reporting > DUE DATE UPDATE

Kristi Wellington Baker kwellingtonbaker at sbctc.edu
Fri Jun 25 10:16:19 PDT 2021

I hope you are finding ways to catch your breath, rest and rejuvenate as our beautiful summer heats up! Several of you have asked about the 2021 HB2158 Guided Pathways state report deadline. As you may recall, we streamlined all HB2158 reporting last year, and plan to do the same this year. We are waiting on reporting timelines from the HB2158 Oversight board to finalize report deadlines from the colleges, and have committed that the earliest date college reporting would be due is August 31, 2021.
If your team would like to prepare information in anticipation, the Guided Pathways portion of the HB2158 report will consist of the following 3 questions:

·       How did you invest/ spend your Guided Pathways funds?

·       Why did you choose those investment areas?

·       How did those investments/ expenditures support progress on the priority areas identified from your 2020-21 work plan?
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.
Take care,

My working day may not be your working day. Please do not feel obliged to reply to this email outside of your working hours.

"Americans have long been trained to see the deficiencies of people rather than policy. It's a pretty easy mistake to make: People are in our faces. Policies are distant. We are particularly poor at seeing the policies lurking behind the struggles of people."
― Ibram X. Kendi, How to Be an Antiracist<https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/62549152>

Dr. Kristi Wellington-Baker | Student Success Center & Strategic Initiatives Director
Pronouns:<https://www.mypronouns.org/sharing> She/Her/Hers
Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
1300 Quince St SE | PO Box 42495
Olympia, WA 98504-2495
p: 360.704.1022 | c: 509.301.8466 | kwellingtonbaker at sbctc.edu<mailto:kwellingtonbaker at sbctc.edu>
sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/> * Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://twitter.com/SBCTCWashington> * Facebook: @WASBCTC

Click here to learn why I put my pronouns in my email signature and you might consider doing so<https://www.cultureamp.com/blog/sharing-gender-pronouns-at-work/>.

Link to: COVID-19 REMOTE LEARNING RESOURCES<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/programs-services/student-success-center/remote-learning-resources.aspx>
                                                        SBCTC Vision
"Leading with racial equity, our colleges maximize student potential and transform lives
within a culture of belonging that advances racial, social, and economic justice
in service to our diverse communities."

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