[GuidedPathways] Hotel reminder, block ends Friday 21st for the Guided Pathways CSW Winter Cohort Retreat - January 16-17, 2019

Christy Lowder clowder at sbctc.edu
Wed Dec 19 15:28:54 PST 2018

Hi there,
This is the last reminder if you wish to get in the hotel room block, as it ends on Friday, 12/21.
Also, registration for the event will close on 1/4/19

Just a reminder, this event is for the Cohort Colleges only, I just don't know who on campus should receive this email, so I apologize if this is not applicable to your college.
Registration for the Winter Cohort Retreat<https://eventactions.com/eareg.aspx?ea=Rsvp&invite=gxg8h1fzmnz6dsdwucfcr765sb1kr3mzejjhjuwbzzrdnxsgr6we> (closes 1/4/19) on  January 16-17 at the Heathman Lodge in Vancouver is now open - and will close on 1/2/19!
There are a block of rooms available at the Heathman Lodge for $149/night, the block of rooms closes on Friday, 12/21/18. Call 360-254-3100 and reference the Guided Pathways conference.
We have a great lineup of presenters and facilitators, including the amazing Sharon Daloz Parks<https://whidbeyinstitute.org/about-us/our-team/> of the Whidbey Institute; Dr. Michael Benitez<https://www.depts.ttu.edu/diversity/documents/MB_Biography17.pdf>, scholar, activist and spoken word artist; Jackson College President, Dr. Dan Phalen<http://www.jccmi.edu/wp-content/uploads/Full-Bio-Dr.-Daniel-Phelan.pdf>  on leadership in action, and more!
We will be focusing on both technical aspects of the work in program mapping sessions alongside the adaptive change work required to sustain this work.  We have continued building in a significant amount of time in the agenda for college teams to work together on plans focused on continuous reflection on how students' are experiencing the college systems and structures, so as you consider who to bring, keep this in mind.
**PLEASE NOTE: Teams will again be coordinated by the Vice Presidents of Instruction or designee.
We would highly recommend you include the following on your team:

  *   Executive Leadership
  *   Guided Pathways College Team Leadership
  *   Faculty from multiple disciplines
  *   Leadership from Advising division
  *   Student/s representative of your college

This retreat has been constructed with your feedback and incorporates space for reflection on what is happening on the ground, and most importantly, how we are building equity muscles to continue to fundamentally change the construction process of systems building toward an improved student experience designed to close equity gaps.  As part of that design, we have attempted to create space for teams to challenge their thinking and consider what is required for cultural change parallel to the technical changes identified as priorities in the coming year.  We are excited to reconnect and learn together in January, and as always, please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.
I look forward to seeing everyone in the New Year,

JANUARY 15-17                   GP COHORT RETREAT (Vancouver)
FEBRUARY 4                         BI/ TRANSFER INSTITUTE (Seattle)
APRIL 11                                GUIDED PATHWAYS STUDENT SUCCESS INSTITUTE (Spokane)
JULY 30-AUGUST 1              SUMMER COHORT RETREAT (Vancouver)

Kristi Wellington-Baker | Student Success Center Director
Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
1300 Quince St SE | PO Box 42495
Olympia, WA 98504-2495
p: 360.704.1022 | c: 509.301.8466 | kwellingtonbaker at sbctc.edu<mailto:kwellingtonbaker at sbctc.edu>

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