[GuidedPathways] FW: The COABE Journal - Featuring William Durden and DuBenske, Van Doren & Kornell

Ha Nguyen hnguyen at sbctc.edu
Fri Sep 7 16:13:12 PDT 2018

Hello, Esteemed Colleagues:
I hope this email finds you very well and you are enjoying the last bits of the summer season.
Scroll below for a thoughtful and data-informed article by Will Durden, our very own Policy Associate for I-BEST and Pathways Development. A brief excerpt:
The integration of adult education into guided pathways work is, at its core, about equity, diversity, and inclusion. In Washington state Prince, Bloomer, and Kaikkonen (2014) discovered that adult education students are more diverse than current mainstream college students and ABE as a whole is “a particularly important portal into community and technical colleges for groups under-represented in attainment in the state population” (p. 12). Immigrants and refugees are most likely to begin their college and career journeys in adult education (p. 13). And students in adult education are more likely to have low socioeconomic status regardless of race or ethnicity (p. 13). If colleges are going to fulfill their mission areas to serve their regions and connect students with real educational and economic opportunities as well as meet employer needs, they will have to include adult education in their planning and redesign efforts. I-BEST, backed by WIOA and Ability to Benefit and supported by a high school completion program like HS 21+, provides one powerful option for doing so.
As colleges continue to examine ways to create pathways explicitly designed to achieve equitable outcomes for non-dominant students in our system, I-BEST and HS21+ programming are crucial considerations to effectively meet that end.
Happy reading and have a wonderful weekend!

[Compass]Ha T. Nguyen (pronouns: she/her/hers)
Policy Associate, Basic Education for Adults
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Accountability and Compliance
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
hnguyen at sbctc.edu<mailto:hnguyen at sbctc.edu> • o: 360-704-4322 • c: 253.279.4299
sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/> • Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://twitter.com/SBCTCWashington> • Facebook: @WASBCTC<https://www.facebook.com/wasbctc/>

From: COABE <noreply at coabe.org>
Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 6:06 AM
To: Ha Nguyen <hnguyen at sbctc.edu>
Subject: The COABE Journal - Featuring William Durden and DuBenske, Van Doren & Kornell

The COABE Journal - Featuring William Durden and DuBenske, Van Doren & Kornell



COABE has published a Journal for more than 40 years. As a member of COABE, we invite you to access our special Career Pathways edition which features articles by the very best researchers, practitioners, and leaders in the field of adult education.


Scott DuBenske has held a variety of positions in Wisconsin State Government developing expertise in human resources and labor policy, project management, and formulating policy to address skilled worker shortages.

In his current position as an education director with the Wisconsin Technical College System, Scott ​provides statewide leadership on Career Pathway and Workforce Development initiatives, fostering collaboration and cooperation throughout the system and with other state agencies, educational partners, business, industry, and labor. Additionally, Scott serves as project leader on Wisconsin’s TAACCCT 4.


Toni Van Doren is the workforce and career pathways coordinator for Nicolet Area Technical College. Toni has been with Nicolet since 2009 and has worked in both the credit and non-credit areas of the college.

Since taking on this role, she has worked closely with district businesses to explore unique and innovative ways of creating non-credit to credit pathways to upskill their workforce and provide greater opportunity for upward mobility. Toni‘s work has accelerated collaboration across diverse partners making promising practices from around the state available to students, faculty, and staff at Nicolet Area Technical College.


Annette Kornell currently serves as the career pathways liaison within the School of Workforce and Economic Development at Madison College.

Annette’s background and experience as a former faculty member at Madison College has allowed her to grow new collaborative opportunities both within the college and the region. Annette’s work as a faculty member, facilitator, and pathway liaison has expanded the reach of pathways across southern Wisconsin to provide opportunity and increase equity in education.

Scott DuBenske, Toni Van Doren, and Annette Kornell co-authored the article "Career Pathways Collaboration in Wisconsin." The article discusses how the Wisconsin Pathways Committee (WPC) was formed and the efforts being made at the state level to create cohesion and policy alignment within the systems that career pathway students must often wade through.

"In a relatively short time the WPC has adopted a common definition of Career Pathways, planned and supported professional development aimed at members and staff of key organizations, and worked to create alignment within the agencies represented by the WPC members. Of particular note is a recent policy brief developed by members of the WPC with guidance from the Center for Postsecondary and Economic Success (CLASP) titled: Expanding the Talent Pipeline Using Career Pathway Strategies. Education, workforce, and economic development professionals across the nation are working with employers to create a robust talent pipeline utilizing career pathways. The Talent Pipeline brief builds on a literature review of the collective experience and a series of collaborative conversations with professionals from Wisconsin’s Department of Workforce Development (DWD), Workforce Development Boards, Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS), Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI), and Wisconsin’s Economic Development Corporation (WEDC)."

Read the full article here!<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001nii88Ye8QyaFCeAsPlQyqNYcn5pdxWpCSGn4nFg8eH6D12-LkWQUq8k3sMmOrMWPPMQOOZ0WMYWU1VvKLNDX3C-RefSo1y96_hY6UHrFT7_1lxAFKl0-km8prX6aIRAM0youIWRgDf7uqLSefjtyQup1W5a04v4EY7dDv5GQKEo3u_oNbRAv9JRoLhemjil9r3T_hmAF7UzUJkf9ywxcYA4hVVh0nug9dWzwVecRKMg=&c=5rTQmmJZhTeG8vgQB1r4O03LB1c6kvRuIbak8Ukorszz6uuA5zmwEg==&ch=64nwNI2jdzfiClYL85IvaJRsdu9wd8U_VmtUyuBkOmqjf-aYQn5bEg==>


William S. Durden is the policy associate for I-BEST and Pathway Development in Basic Education for Adults at the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. His primary responsibilities include supporting and scaling up I-BEST and guided pathways with adult education as the foundation of those pathways, with the ultimate goal that all adult learners will have access to innovative, high quality education programs that provide the knowledge, skills, and credentials necessary for securing living wage employment. He supports the development and expansion of I-BEST nationwide, having provided I-BEST training and technical assistance to 33 states and counting. A former I-BEST instructor, William served as English faculty at Clark College for six years. He earned a Master of Arts in English Studies from Western Washington University (2008) and a Bachelor of Arts in English from Washington State University (2005).

William's article, "Guided Pathways, WIOA, and Washington State's I-BEST: A Blueprint for the Future of Adult Basic Education," discusses how Washington State uses their I-Best model, backed by WIOA, Ability to Benefit, and special high school completion programs to help adults become successful in college-level programs, often more quickly than if they were enrolled in traditional adult education programs.

"In the guided pathways approach, adult education merges with other college functions designed to establish where the student is at and what they will need most to be successful. Key intake activities include a basic skills assessment, setting both educational and career goals, the development of an educational plan, identifying whether or not a high school credential is needed, and the creation of a funding package built with the student’s end goal in mind. A navigator is assigned, and this navigator serves to assist the student as they move along their pathway toward the certificate and/or degree that will launch or build their career options. Guided college and career pathways are defined, articulated, and funded from the beginning of the student’s journey all the way to college certificates and degrees that lead to living wage careers. Students co-enroll in competency-based high school completion programming that allow students to earn their high school diploma while they earn college credit in I-BEST or other IET structures."

Read the full article here!<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001nii88Ye8QyaFCeAsPlQyqNYcn5pdxWpCSGn4nFg8eH6D12-LkWQUq8k3sMmOrMWPgeoPMrmsnKV-IEJbzj2VoIAlRPDuhpTZQ-8B_I9Rbo1EfrrkSWCGE1kTrgN6BDhpdMTQU9dR489wtw_cnjD6VLjx0DQ1xJsBhx0ArvH7zKGY1l2PkKQ16UKTSstGyMf5zZ-7sFTXpJ1h107qF-EgNN55Vd94zbsUiM5oIe92cKQ=&c=5rTQmmJZhTeG8vgQB1r4O03LB1c6kvRuIbak8Ukorszz6uuA5zmwEg==&ch=64nwNI2jdzfiClYL85IvaJRsdu9wd8U_VmtUyuBkOmqjf-aYQn5bEg==>

We hope you enjoy this special edition of the COABE Journal.


Download the full E-publication version HERE<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001nii88Ye8QyaFCeAsPlQyqNYcn5pdxWpCSGn4nFg8eH6D12-LkWQUq12jAqWhEeJPs1bdDrxIkHr3N3bwFLxW8-9CjnoMb6AHYxFEQBEDAu-FUFqyjPIrnJPQuY9H2wJVxAK_hZWn628nVRetRBxhqYrZBpWmRWgR4snWwqwrelkbDRBprZBi4Qcz7wgKMiraKkB4zesJiMzfy-8pnyCnFmAGE5iIVPvE-B7nYPFYi4B5AZD3OrUluA==&c=5rTQmmJZhTeG8vgQB1r4O03LB1c6kvRuIbak8Ukorszz6uuA5zmwEg==&ch=64nwNI2jdzfiClYL85IvaJRsdu9wd8U_VmtUyuBkOmqjf-aYQn5bEg==>.

Download the full PDF version HERE<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001nii88Ye8QyaFCeAsPlQyqNYcn5pdxWpCSGn4nFg8eH6D12-LkWQUq3ZUYbSL11DIZ8NDyvm3upWJ7jC6oTuRd5h06HzG4n-TPzRbZGAUv2Ay0dC80IsS4GkcKulArqy_urmx4H3I1h4P6siJ6bK3XRQ5lrnqHDJWWlWzDtyf8f5T51fwcCgHw6EQiNjtvV0U7k0zgK4xG0uD4_4bpy9SairF9tua6HlPSjCX9z9jjzUws6y_r9A6MJ85l1jdREYcwQDxjW8lT76XCYOZl8jDIccTPLWG5fZmpe4hVBWDxPhAzkS8P4zdrf_gcnvsKevl2tP-_yhQmqt7lfKOaoza7Ug5PtFto7AS&c=5rTQmmJZhTeG8vgQB1r4O03LB1c6kvRuIbak8Ukorszz6uuA5zmwEg==&ch=64nwNI2jdzfiClYL85IvaJRsdu9wd8U_VmtUyuBkOmqjf-aYQn5bEg==>.

Interested in submitting an article? Click HERE<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001nii88Ye8QyaFCeAsPlQyqNYcn5pdxWpCSGn4nFg8eH6D12-LkWQUq5zqSb6srtvuahwapbk9SzG8cwWeiUGKBE2eKoJsfkoygmbLhnOeSa8_Ej7h1ASaZZtTmvqryVcknZ-y9taHVVCTjqPaNx-sLouBhNnL25YA_VEJ7noQbwk=&c=5rTQmmJZhTeG8vgQB1r4O03LB1c6kvRuIbak8Ukorszz6uuA5zmwEg==&ch=64nwNI2jdzfiClYL85IvaJRsdu9wd8U_VmtUyuBkOmqjf-aYQn5bEg==>. Contact journal at coabe.org<mailto:journal at coabe.org> with any questions.

Coalition On Adult Basic Education | PO Box 1820, Cicero, NY 13039

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