[Etag] Joint CATO/ETAG Workgroup on Accessibility Evaluations

Lentini, Marc mlentini at highline.edu
Mon Dec 21 16:56:55 PST 2020

Hi folks,

I hope you’re all through finals week, and starting to wind things down for the break. Before you go...

We’ve talked about a joint work group between the Committee for Accessible Technology Oversight (CATO) and ETAG to explore how we can conduct accessibility evaluations of system licensed software, and do so in a sustainable manner. This comes out of the experience of OKTA, the ctcLink authentication software, and some past conversations about the struggle to do meaningful assessment of the accessibility of system software.

We’re at the point now of asking for volunteers from ETAG to be part of the group. CATO is having the same conversation in their group.

If you’re interested, please reply to me or to Mark Jenkins.

Thanks, and have a restful break.


Marc Lentini | Director of Educational Technology | Highline College
v: (206) 592-3778 | http://people.highline.edu/mlentini | @malapertmarc

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