[ELC-AI] FW: Registration Announcement: Innovation and AI in Guided Pathways

Guava Jordan gjordan at sbctc.edu
Thu Jan 23 09:16:10 PST 2025

Hello all,
I am forwarding this SBCTC professional development opportunity. It's a free one-day AI summit!

[Title: SBCTC logo - Description: Compass]Guava Jordan (she/her)
Policy Associate, Faculty Development and Ensured Learning
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
Leave a voicemail: 360-704-3958       Book a Meeting<https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/user/896f1d2e33ce4d21980bd34f0befec5d@sbctc.edu/meetingtype/mJkNiRdUD0OKE-O6FPIgHw2?anonymous>
* Faculty Development Webpage<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/programs-services/student-success-center/faculty-development-ensured-learning/>  *Guava's Priorities<https://docs.google.com/document/d/19HOF41MgWwuxp0_AZqG4wPKgxXmSSkDGBGpBHIQs6eo/edit#heading=h.cd02m4vo89oo> *Student Success Center<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/programs-services/student-success-center/>

Innovation and AI in Guided Pathways Summit<https://eventactions.com/eareg.aspx?ea=Rsvp&invite=gwp8bs99v0uh726asb6g0gbp4ttgvvgshgfuy0nk2n495kb49u9h>
Date: Thursday, April 17th
Location: Clover Park Technical College

Join Us for a Transformative Summit!

Are you ready to explore how artificial intelligence can invigorate your Guided Pathways work and drive student success? Registration<https://eventactions.com/eareg.aspx?ea=Rsvp&invite=gwp8bs99v0uh726asb6g0gbp4ttgvvgshgfuy0nk2n495kb49u9h> is now open for this FREE one-day summit is brought to you in partnership with the Washington Student Success Center<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/programs-services/student-success-center/guided-pathways-advisory-council>, The League for Innovation in the Community College<https://www.league.org/>, and Strategies by Design<https://www.strategiesbydesigngroup.com/>, and is designed to empower institutions to leverage AI as a transformative force. Register here.<https://eventactions.com/eareg.aspx?ea=Rsvp&invite=gwp8bs99v0uh726asb6g0gbp4ttgvvgshgfuy0nk2n495kb49u9h>

What to Expect:

  *   AI Experience Design Sprint: Hands-on workshop exploring AI tools and innovation principles to enhance and transform your Guided Pathways strategies.
  *   Collaboration & Skill-Building: Work with peers to develop the skills necessary to sustain and expand these strategies beyond the summit.
  *   Inspiration & Insight: Discover what's already happening across the system and contribute to the growing momentum of AI-driven innovation.

Who Should Attend?

We're bringing together leaders and change-makers from across campuses and the system, including:

  *   College Leadership setting AI strategy and policy (Presidents and Chancellors, Vice Presidents of Instruction, Student Services, Information Technology, Research and Planning, Equity and Diversity, and more)
  *   Faculty and Staff implementing 2024-2026 Guided Pathways priorities (Entry Services, Financial Aid, Advising, Library, GP Leads, Faculty).
  *   AI Committees/Work Groups at both the college and system levels.

We hope you will join us to collaborate with colleagues across the system, ignite innovation, and build AI literacy in service of student success!

Pre-Summit & Follow-Up:
Stay tuned for details on pre-work to maximize your summit experience and follow-up opportunities to continue the momentum.

Space is limited-register today to secure your spot!<https://eventactions.com/eareg.aspx?ea=Rsvp&invite=gwp8bs99v0uh726asb6g0gbp4ttgvvgshgfuy0nk2n495kb49u9h>

Let's innovate together and shape the future of Guided Pathways with AI!

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[Title: SBCTC logo - Description: SBCTC logo]               [Strategies By Design Logo]                 [League for Innovation in the Community College logo]

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