[ELC-AI] AI Agent that can Submit Assignments

Whitney Boswell WBoswell at greenriver.edu
Fri Nov 15 10:40:05 PST 2024

Hi All,

Following-up on what I mentioned last meeting about an AI agent that can login and submit assignments.

Here’s the write up about it https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thack7/episodes/Claude-Takes-Control-AI-That-Uses-Computers-Like-We-Do-e2q0ja9/a-abjfjt4
Forget everything you thought you knew about AI assistants. We're not talking simple chatbots that can barely string a sentence together. Claude 3.5 Sonnet, the latest iteration of Anthropic's grou...

When you give a Claude a mouse
Some quick impressions of an actual agent

Do not feel obligated to reply to this email outside of your working hours.

Whitney Boswell, M.Ed. | she/they<https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/c.php?g=834876&p=5961326> | (hear my name<https://namedrop.io/whitneyboswell>)
Senior Director of eLearning and the Excellence in Teaching Collaborative, GRC
Past-Chair of eLearning Council, SBCTC
☎️: 253-333-6028
📧: wboswell at greenriver.edu<mailto:wboswell at greenriver.edu>
🏛️: Wilturner-Rosemond CLI 112 or 🎥: Virtual (schedule time with me)<https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/user/ea00efc84d6b43b09d716d9d2c4d4f1c@greenriver.edu?anonymous&ep=plink>

☎️: 253-288-3354
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🎥: Schedule Time with Us<https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/eLearning1@greenriveredu.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/>
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