[ctcLink-Accessibility] Systemwide memo: New ctcLink Enhancement Request (ER) prioritization process is ready for all

SBCTC-IT Mail itmail at sbctc.edu
Thu Jul 11 08:50:07 PDT 2024

SBCTC Memorandum
Date:    July 11, 2024
From:   Dani Bundy, Director of ctcLink PeopleSoft Customer Support
To:       Washington community and technical college system eLists, SBCTC All Staff
Subj:    New ctcLink Enhancement Request (ER) prioritization process is ready for all

Dear colleagues:
We are pleased to announce revisions to the ctcLink Enhancement Request (ER) prioritization process are finalized and in place:

  *   Enhancement Requests Start with You<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/it-support/erp-support/production-change> at the SBCTC website is a high-level look at the process with links to resources.
  *   ctcLink Enhancement Requests<https://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/m/116163/c/406310> at the ctcLink Reference Center outlines the process, provides and explains the ER form, and includes an up-to-date ER Status list.

ER Prioritization Process Overview
The underlying goal of this collaborative effort was twofold:

  1.  Solidify a clear voting process for ER prioritization
  2.  Align with recommendations set forth in WACTC's 2023 ctcLink Improvement Plan to:

     *   Streamline ctcLink governance structure and processes
     *   Prioritize and track enhancement requests/system changes that focus on global implementation

Since the ctcLink deployment was completed in May 2022, the task of considering and prioritizing Enhancement Requests (ERs) faced competing priorities, resource fatigue, and unclear expectations for the ctcLink Production Support teams responsible for implementing approved ERs.
In response, a team comprised of members of the ctcLink College Collaboration Group (cCCG), the Strategic Technology Advisory Committee (STAC)<https://www.sbctc.edu/about/task-forces-work-groups/stac/default.aspx>, and ctcLink Support team members proposed a prioritization process for ctcLink Enhancements that aimed to be transparent, inclusive, streamlined, and effective. See the ctcLink Prioritization Proposal<https://www.sbctc.edu/resources/documents/blogs/ctclink-connect/ctclink-prioritization-proposal-one-pager.pdf> one-pager for details.
STAC voted Feb. 16, 2024, to recommend approval of the ctcLink Prioritization proposal to the WACTC Technology Committee (WACTC-Tech). WACTC-Tech approved STAC's recommendation during its Feb. 29 meeting.
Work plan
Once the move was approved, the cCCG met to develop a prioritization rubric to review the outstanding ERs. cCCG formalized the voting and prioritization process to review the ERs already in the queue and solidified the group's process moving forward as new ERs come in.
Review phase
A pause on new ERs was called April 1 to May 31, 2024, to allow ctcLink College Collaboration Group (cCCG) members time to review and prioritize a comprehensive list of 68 outstanding ERs, some of which had been on hold for consideration since 2018 due to implementation activities.
ER Prioritization Results
Formal votes from each college/district were reviewed during the May 22 ctcLink College Collaboration Group meeting. Tabulations were finalized and provided to SBCTC ctcLink Support to get ERs into the work queues.
As of June 1, 2024, the following ERs (listed by ctcLink pillar) were assigned to priority work queues:

  1.  In Flight<https://sbctcedu-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/ctclinkdocmanager_sbctcedu_onmicrosoft_com/Eb6VI1ZGS-dLqcCaSoIw8noBulsRZqCb40CtJMr--xRNDg?e=jhpmC4>
  2.  Next Up<https://sbctcedu-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/ctclinkdocmanager_sbctcedu_onmicrosoft_com/EbuZI-GySw1MmemG4kWBvrkB3Jg8_sag1c5P2DlBRaCu_A?e=pvW9xt>
  3.  Future Work Queue<https://sbctcedu-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/ctclinkdocmanager_sbctcedu_onmicrosoft_com/EaJxHXcGFEBMot4kpBBDuiEBsiK6m8Ov2_y07yoY6qaxLg?e=GdW3Ft>
  4.  Other
These lists will continue to change as ERs move through the pipeline.  See Enhancement Request Status<https://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/m/116163/l/1655339-enhancement-request-status> for the latest details.
Work Queues
NOTE: While no ERs are currently listed for CS Financial Aid, there has been, and will continue to be, a great deal of work in the Financial Aid arena, which may result in future ERs.
Next Up
Future Work
Remaining List
CS Core

*  ER 166: CampusCE Search/Match Parameter

*  ER 131, 169, 178, 183, 184, 212, 237: OAAP Cluster from ARC

*  ER 232: Adding Custom Self-Service Questions in Campus Solutions

Finance (FSCM)

*  ER 95 - FSCM Close/Open and Balance Sheet Accounts

*  ER 204 - Modifications to WAPAYER 189 - Stale Dating Checks


*  ER 154 - FWL-Future Effective Dated Hire Row

*  ER 264 - (Mandate) Employee Personal data redaction indicator in ctcLink HCM

*  ER 122 - Charge Benefit Expense to Primary Job


*  ER 242 - (FYI) Automated Offboarding - Security

*  ER 257 - Name Field Changes in ctcLink

CS Core

*  ER 94 & 114: Transcript Integration (NSC or Parchment - ARC decide)

*  ER 251: Student Class Search (Student Home Page) Change

*  ER 170: Add Additional Text to the Permission Number Tip in HCX

*  ER 174: Improvements to Class Search Subject Results

*  ER 259: Adding Class Search Instruction Mode Helper Text

Finance (FSCM)

*  ER 226 - PO Receipt & Payment Notifications Alerts

*  ER 275 - Physical Inventory

*  ER 221 - Configuration Setup to use Corporate Cards in the Expense Module


*  ER 263 - Add Date Applied Column in TAMER 203 - PTF LTD Report

*  ER 171 - TAM Applicant Attachment

*  ER 219 - Automate adjustments to vacation/sick time donations for Shared Leave

*  ER 236 - Implement ePerformance functionality for all colleges

CS Core

*  ER 27: (SOGI) 3 OF 3 - CS Pronouns

*  ER 231: HCX Mobile and Campus Solutions - Secure Student Financials Security

*  ER 245 - Extension for Student Group Mass Assign

*  ER 225 - HCX Class Search Results

*  ER 247 - Class Room Change Global Automated Message

*  ER 164 - Remove Other Email Type for Students

*  ER 162 - OAAP First Term Valid

*  ER 163 - OAAP Subplans Exclusions

*  ER 276 - Course Class fees on HCX and ctclink Class Search

*  ER 205 - Integration of Highpoint Degree Planner Schedule Planner Advisee Relationship Management and Course Auditor

CS Student Financials

*  ER 132 - CampusCE Embedded Page Navigation Post Student Transaction

*  ER 274 - Student Payment Receipts

*  ER 224 - SF Customer Acct Academic Info Page


*  ER 254 - Length of ctclink field(s) to store Department names and working titles

*  ER 262 - Faculty Contract Content Visibility

*  ER 202 - ESS Direct Deposit

*  ER 176 - Position Management Notifications

*  ER 120 - Manager Self Service Combo Code Change Action

CS Core

*  ER 128 - Student Alert Fields

*  ER 172 - Student Alert Status Types

Please reach out directly if you have any questions or suggestions.
Thank you,
[Compass]Dani Bundy
Director of ctcLink PeopleSoft Customer Support
dbundy at sbctc.edu<mailto:dbundy at sbctc.edu> * o: 360-704-1028 * c: 360-619-8960 sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/>


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