[ctcLink-Accessibility] Monica Olsson

Vicki Walton vwalton at sbctc.edu
Wed Jan 31 13:31:21 PST 2024

My name is Vicki Walton. I work with Monica Olsson.

With permission, I wanted to let you know that Monica had her baby early. Christine Lillie arrived on Sunday, 4 weeks early. Mom and baby are fine.

Therefore, Monica is now out on maternity leave and will be back sometime around June 4th.

[Title: SBCTC logo - Description: Compass]Vicki Walton
Pronouns: they/them
Web Accessibility Specialist/IT Quality Assurance Tester
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
vwalton at sbctc.edu*<mailto:vwalton at sbctc.edu*> office: 360-704-4343* website: www.sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/default.aspx>

Accessibility is not a checkbox. Accessibility is a mindset that can lead to a very powerful sense of inclusion.
~ Maayan Ziv founder and CEO AccessNow

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