[ctcLink-Accessibility] Systemwide Message: SBCTC focus, prioritization, and leadership for ctcLink optimization

SBCTC-IT Mail itmail at sbctc.edu
Wed Nov 29 14:55:47 PST 2023

Forwarding systemwide on behalf of Paul Francis, SBCTC Executive Director.

From: Paul Francis <pfrancis at sbctc.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 1:52 PM
To: SBCTC All Staff
Subject: SBCTC focus, prioritization, and leadership for ctcLink optimization

Good afternoon colleagues -

Since the finish of the implementation phase of ctcLink, there have been several changes to our community and technical college system that call for additional work to make ctcLink the best tool for our system and for individual colleges.

Among the many changes since the implementation of ctcLink include:

  *   a heightened focus on the wrap-around support services for our students, many of whom were the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic;
  *   a structural change in the staffing patterns of the colleges, which increases the need for training and business continuity strategies;
  *   and an overall slower than anticipated recovery in the number of students we serve, which brings calls for removing as many technical barriers as possible for student attendance.
While the base functionality, features, and security of ctcLink are sound, college leadership has asked for help to address these changes in student and staff patterns and demographics. These requests, while numerous and varied, have homed in on the themes of training, common business processes, and communications.

At the SBCTC we have listened to and heard the college system's collective calls for improvement. After conferring with leadership at colleges and at SBCTC, we are announcing a focused approach to make progress on a comprehensive set of improvements to ctcLink. These improvements will focus on the three themes of training, common business processes, and communications. The primary focus will be on aligning and unifying business processes throughout the system. The goal, when completed, is to have the broadest base of knowledge throughout the system so that the impact of staff turnover can be mitigated, and technical issues are supported in the best way possible.

To lead this process at the SBCTC, Choi Halladay will shift focus to work primarily on this task. His years of experience at colleges in our system, and his work in instruction, business offices, and information technology give him a unique skillset ready to tackle this challenge. He will lead a team at the SBCTC that is made up of specialists in project management, training, and business process change. This work will begin in January.

Organizing this endeavor in this way will allow Grant Rodeheaver to focus his attention on the technical support of ctcLink, and working with the Information Technology Commission, to focus on systemwide initiatives like cybersecurity and infrastructure resilience.

Colleges' financial challenge during the recovery from COVID-19 is always a key part of any decision and plan. By utilizing existing personnel and shifting internal SBCTC resources, moving forward will not require additional resources from colleges.

Of course, the same skillset that makes Choi so invaluable in leading our ctcLink improvement process are also the same skills that make his current role as the Deputy Executive Director for Business Operations so valuable. While Choi will continue to have general oversight and a hand in the Business Operations Division, to allow his attention to be on ctcLink, we are tapping into the skills of three recently retired vice presidents from the system to work on specific topic areas: Operating Budget, Capital Budget, and systemwide staff development for business offices.

There is no delusion that this process will be easy or quick; the best estimates right now are that this process will take two to three years. In addition to the SBCTC staff, it will take work at campuses, the knowledge of campus leaders, and the support of presidents and chancellors. As with many large projects, it is also likely that some things may get worse before they get better. However, after moving through this process, there is confidence that the ctcLink system and daily operations at the colleges will be improved, sustainable, and allow college staff to focus on serving students in the best way possible.

We welcome the opportunity to discuss more specific elements of this plan with you.


[Title: SBCTC logo - Description: Compass]Paul Francis
Executive Director
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
pfrancis at sbctc.edu<mailto:pfrancis at sbctc.edu> * o: 360-704-4355
sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/> * Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://twitter.com/SBCTCWashington> * Facebook: @WASBCTC<https://www.facebook.com/wasbctc/>

SBCTC Vision - "Leading with racial equity, our colleges maximize student potential and transform lives within a culture of belonging that advances racial, social, and economic justice in service to our diverse communities."

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