[ctcLink-Accessibility] Important Notice: Changes Coming to Recurrences (Recurring Jobs & Processes) in ctcLink

SBCTC-IT Mail itmail at sbctc.edu
Fri Dec 15 10:18:31 PST 2023

SBCTC-ITD Memorandum
Date:                Dec. 15, 2023
From:               ctcLink Customer Support
Subject:           Important Notice: Changes Coming to Recurrences (Recurring Jobs & Processes) in ctcLink
Good morning,
Because ctcLink is a shared resource, overall improvements to system performance help everyone, so we are pleased to announce improvements in recurrences in the ctcLink pillars. A dedicated cross-pillar team strategized and developed these changes to improve your experience using ctcLink recurrences.
What's different?

  *   How to use recurrences in ctcLink.  See the new Job Scheduling and Recurrences Process Overview<https://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/m/fundamentals/l/1726163-job-scheduling-and-recurrences-process-overview> QRG checklist, which includes best practices for how to schedule processes, standardized recurrence definitions, and system considerations and impacts.
  *   New recurrence definitions. SBCTC implemented a consistent and descriptive naming convention to minimize clutter and confusion.
  *   What you need to do at your college or in your SBCTC department.
  *   Jobs Currently Scheduled and Running<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/it-support/erp-support/process-schedule.aspx> web page will be updated as needed.

Impacts of the change
While the HCM, FSCM, and CS pillars will be affected, the biggest impact for college employees will be in the CS pillar.  Most of the processes running on recurrence in the HCM and FSCM pillars are handled by SBCTC.
 CS, FA, and SF users will notice changes, particularly those who:

  *   Schedule processes and Jobs to run on a repeating basis.
  *   Currently have recurrences scheduled because colleges will need to do some clean-up.
  *   May be interested in using recurrences in the future and want to understand impacts.
Per-pillar access will not change, and CS users will have certain recurrence setup options that are not available to HCM and FSCM users due to centralized, sequential processes.

  *   The Job Scheduling and Recurrences Process Overview QRG and new recurrence definitions were published Thursday, Dec. 14, 2023.
  *   Old recurrence definitions will be removed on Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024.
     *   Colleges will need to complete any clean-up by Feb. 14, 2024.

What do I need to do at my college or SBCTC department?
Please notify and work together with employees who may be impacted at your college or SBCTC department about the upcoming changes:

  *   Jobs and JobSets currently running on a recurrence will need to be canceled and restarted using one of the new options:
     *   You can use the following queries in the CS pillar to help identify what is currently running on recurrence:
     *   The CS Recurrence Definition Mapping Guide<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aU7FJoBJzwNrEXosZgEUu6L_PcFYDdwU/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=100816672977387949881&rtpof=true&sd=true> can help users select an equivalent option.
  *   Update any internal documentation to reflect these changes.
If none of the new recurrence definitions meet your needs:

  *   Submit a ticket to your pillar support team to request a new one be created:
     *   Campus Solutions (CS) Core:  ctcLink Support > Campus Solutions > Other Campus Solutions
     *   Financial Aid (FA): ctcLink Support > Financial Aid > Other Financial Aid
     *   Student Financials (SF): ctcLink Support > Student Financials > Other Student Financials
     *   ctcLink Reporting (Queries/Reports): SBCTC Data Services > ctcLink Reporting > Other ctcLink Reporting
  *   Be sure your ticket includes:
     *   A business justification for why none of the existing options meet your needs.
     *   Specific times your process needs to run.

Related Definitions
What is a recurrence?
Scheduling recurrences automates scheduled tasks or jobs<https://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/m/79746/l/492864-set-up-recurrences-for-jobs> (e.g., waitlist, admissions letters, drop for non-payment, error reports) to reduce manual effort.
What are ctcLink Reports, Jobs, and Queries?

  *   Reports in ctcLink are existing reports with defined elements.
  *   Jobs are collections of ctcLink processing tasks. The terms "Job" and "process" are often used interchangeably. A report is considered a Job, so the directions for running a report and a Job are the same.
  *   Query tools are used to retrieve selected data.


  *   If you have technical questions, please submit a ticket<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/it-support/erp-support/submit-ticket>.
  *   If you have general questions, contact Dani Bundy<mailto:dbundy at sbctc.edu>, ctcLink Customer Support Director, or Roger Curry<mailto:rcurry at sbctc.edu>, College Relations and Triage Manager.

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