[ctcLink-Accessibility] FINAL NOTICE: Legacy HP-UX Sunsetting Aug. 31, 2023

SBCTC-IT Mail itmail at sbctc.edu
Wed Aug 30 11:38:35 PDT 2023

Date:                August 30, 2023
From:               Grant Rodeheaver
Subject:            FINAL NOTICE: Legacy HP-UX Sunsetting Aug. 31, 2023
Dear college community:
After 42 years of service, the Legacy HP-UX (Hewlett Packard Unix) environment shutdown is about 24 hours away. As detailed in previous systemwide messages, Legacy environments will sunset, Thursday, August 31, 2023, at 5 p.m.
Once the Legacy environments sunset, colleges will no longer have access to the Legacy HP-UX system. This includes any jobs run for dual processing.
Recent project activities included Legacy data backup file transfers to colleges, LegacyLink go-live, and Legacy Transcript validation, testing, and go-lives. See highlights below.
Legacy Database Backup Files
The SBCTC IT team has worked with each college directly to securely transfer their Legacy HP-UX data backup SQL file. All are either complete or arrangements have been made.
The LegacyLink<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/it-support/legacy-applications/legacylink/> application provides secure access to a limited set of read-only screens and batch reports needed to continue critical business. The application went live on June 30, 2023, and includes display-only access to screens and reports in Financial Management System (FMS), Payroll/Personnel Management System (PPMS), and Student Management System (SMS).
Find more resources and FAQs at the LegacyLink<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/it-support/legacy-applications/legacylink/> web page.
Future release notes

  *   A new release of LegacyLink will be installed today, Aug. 30, 2023, at 5 p.m.  The colleges and the Legacy Projects Advisory Group requested additional screens which will be part of this release. See LegacyLink<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/it-support/legacy-applications/legacylink/> for the complete list.
  *   Colleges may continue to submit tickets for product enhancements.

Legacy Transcript
The Legacy Transcript<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/it-support/legacy-applications/legacy-transcript-project/> application is the repository for those student transcripts currently stored in the Legacy HP-UX system which were not converted into ctcLink during the colleges' migration to PeopleSoft.
Legacy Transcript began a soft launch on June 30. Colleges participated in validation activities and were asked to complete the Legacy Transcription - College Validation Sign-Off<https://forms.office.com/r/4jPdAVcvGq> to affirm they have completed this work.
While service tickets deemed the most critical were resolved in advance of colleges going live on Legacy Transcript, colleges may continue to identify issues and can submit tickets.
Find resources and FAQs at the Legacy Transcript<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/it-support/legacy-applications/legacy-transcript-project/> web page.
Future Release Information

Colleges will continue to submit service tickets to improve the product after go-live. Several non-critical but important items are pending:

  *   Official transcript formatting: While the format mirrors the ctcLink official transcript format, the Legacy transcript includes extra white space due to column settings.
  *   Option to either Include or Suppress non-printing classes on an unofficial transcript.
  *   Parchment load issue.  Waiting for vendor response for clarification.
  *   Okta Integration
  *   Accessibility fixes
  *   Student-facing application for unofficial/official transcripts: At this time, student alumni will not have login access due to security concerns. The SBCTC IT team is assessing capabilities and security options.

Out-of-scope functionality
A request was submitted to be able to edit Degree information and to edit Global comments, which is not in scope. The Legacy Transcript application was designed to deliver historical student information. Because these would be considered significant changes to a student Legacy transcript, users will need to import the transcript into ctcLink and make changes there. See the Manual Conversion of Legacy Records instructions<https://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/m/79558/l/1526930-manual-conversion-of-legacy-records> at the ctcLink Reference Center.
New SolarWinds Ticket Categories
Two new Request Type values were added to the SolarWinds ticketing system to help assign tickets to the correct support resource:

  *   ctcLink Support > LegacyLink
  *   ctcLink Support > Campus Solutions > CS: Legacy Transcript
Feel free to submit a ticket if you have questions or concerns about either product: How to Submit a Ticket.<https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/it-support/erp-support/submit-ticket>
Other Legacy Products

  *   The Web Transaction Server (WTS) applications will be retired when HP-UX sunsets. In Legacy, WTS provided self-service online functionality for students and faculty (e.g., Unofficial Transcript, Class Schedule, Instructor Briefcase, Earnings and Leave inquiry).
  *   DataExpress will no longer be available as that product relies on the HP-UX platform.
  *   Financial Aid Management (FAM), Degree Audit, and Account Management will continue to be available for the foreseeable future as they do not rely on the HP-UX system. An eventual phase-out plan will be developed in cooperation with stakeholders systemwide.
Please reach out to Ray Gartner<mailto:rgartner at sbctc.edu> or Tara Keen<mailto:tkeen at sbctc.edu> if you have specific questions or concerns.
Thank you,

[Compass]Grant Rodeheaver
Deputy Executive Director / CIO, IT Division
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
grodeheaver at sbctc.edu<mailto:grodeheaver at sbctc.edu> * o: 360-704-3939  * c: 360-280-4733
sbctc.edu<https://www.sbctc.edu/> * Twitter: @SBCTCWashington<https://twitter.com/SBCTCWashington> * Facebook: @WASBCTC<https://www.facebook.com/wasbctc/>

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