Walker, Meagan mwalker at cascadia.edu
Fri Jun 1 17:29:54 PDT 2018

Hi Kati,
We have interest at Cascadia.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 29, 2018, at 9:48 AM, Kati Hays <chays at sbctc.edu<mailto:chays at sbctc.edu>> wrote:

Good Morning!

To assist in the planning for this workshop, please let me know if you are likely to attend this conference.  Please forward this to colleagues!


CTCLDA is planning to bring the Society for College and University Planning’s (SCUP) Planning Institute I<https://www.scup.org/page/eventsandeducation/pi/step1> to Washington.  The event has been attended by a few different people in the state, and their colleges have already benefited.  We are hoping that there is enough interest to support this important event.

The four learning outcomes of Planning Institute I are:

1.     Assess your institution’s readiness for change so you can remove change inhibitors and pave a pathway to success.

2.     Identify and analyze stakeholders for your institution’s planning efforts, convince necessary stakeholders to adopt integrated planning practices at your institution, and create a communication plan   that ensures a transparent and inclusive planning process.

3.     Analyze your institution’s internal and external environment, including global forces and trends, internal mandates, and competitors.

4.     Adapt integrated planning to your institution’s unique situation.

WHEN: November 29, 2018

WHERE: Clover Park Technical College

COST: The fees will be based on the number of participants.  If 20-25 participants, the cost would be $600; For 26-36 participants cost would be $500. Attending this local workshop you will significantly reduce travel costs to go to the national SCUP Institute.

PLEASE CONTACT KATI HAYS (chays at sbctc.edu<mailto:chays at sbctc.edu>) BEFORE JULY 15 IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND

Catherine (Kati) Hays
Executive Director, CTC Leadership Development Association

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