[Campusce] Payments in the CampusCE to PeopleSoft integration

CampusCE integrated with PeopleSoft campusce at lists.ctc.edu
Thu Mar 3 14:22:36 PST 2022

I've been troubleshooting a large number of issues this week that have resulted from manual payments posted in ctcLink PeopleSoft, so I want to provide some information.

The integration ONLY works if you enroll a student in a class in CampusCE and process the payment in CampusCE.  Credit card payments must be processed through CampusCE.  If a student is paying with cash or check the "cashier" puts this amount and payment type into CampusCE and completes the order.  When the data is sent to PeopleSoft the payment is posted and then the enrollment transaction is processed. If there is an error, due typically to holds or dates, you fix those in PeopleSoft. The enrollment has already started - so you need to complete the registration, not start a new one.  There is a link to the Enrollment Request page with the information for the class in a pending state. If you need to override information do it here and submit the enrollment. When it is successful you are done in PeopleSoft. The payment is posted and the student is enrolled in the class.  Since the enrollment was pending in CampusCE it remains in the Paid not Posted status. You need to change to registered and update. This will complete the process.

You can use discounts in CampusCE. Make sure you have whatever discount amounts set up.  The discount will also post to the students account. For example, you will see a class fee for $50 with a $40 CampusCE payment (item type 700000000800) and a $10 CampuCE discount (item type 600000000800).

If you post a payment in PeopleSoft the integration will NOT recognize that payment and you will remain in an error status. While the students is enrolled and the payment is posted in PeopleSoft the record in CampusCE is still pending. You will be unable to change this to a registered status and the systems will be out of sync.

This QRG will provide you with information about how to address common errors.

If you need some additional help please let me know.

Susan Maxwell
Program Manager - ctcLink College Advisor
Project Manager - CampusCE to PeopleSoft Integration

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