mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to

List Description
25Live 25Live Functional & Technical Support
aapi-wa Asian American Pacific Islanders in WA CTCs
ABEDir Adult Literacy Directors
ACC Listserv for the Advising and Counseling Council
Accred Accreditation Forum
ACT-TOC Communication channel for the Association for College Trustees’ (ACT) Trustees of Color affinity group.
AEW Academic Early Warning software
APR Apprenticeship Community of Practice Group
Association The Association
ATC Articulation and Transfer Council of IC
Atd-northwestconsortium [no description available]
ATLC Assessment, Teaching and Learning Community
BAC Business Affairs Commission
BkStCncl Bookstore Council
BkstMgrs Bookstore Managers
BLC Baccalaureate Leadership Council
BSCS Bachelor of Science in Computer Science community of practice
Campus-Research Discussion of IRBs, research ethics, and research processes beyond Institutional Research
CampusCE CampusCE integrated with PeopleSoft
Casas_cadre for users of Casas Cadre system
CATO Distribution List for the Committee for Accessible Technology Oversight
CAVP Confidential Assistants to the Vice Presidents
CBE Competency-based education
CBPS Clean Buildings Performance Standards
CESC Career and Employment Services
CHS College in the High School program listserv
Clams-l College and Media Librarians of WA
CMMS Implementing Megamation software for facilities management
ColDG College Data Governance
ContEd Continuing Education
Corrections_Edu_Deans For connecting stakeholders from Corrections Edu Deans group for collaboration/communication.
Corrections_Edu_Faculty For connecting stakeholders from Corrections Edu Faculty group for collaboration/communication.
Corrections_Edu_IT For connecting stakeholders from Corrections Education IT for collaboration/communication.
Corrections_Edu_Navigators Corrections Education Navigators
Corrections_HS_Plus High School+
CRM-Admins WA Community and Technical College CRM Administrators.
CTC_Budget Listserv for system budget managers
CTCEP Safety, Security and Emergency Management Council
CTCLDA CTC Leadership Development Association
ctclink-accessibility To facilitate communications related to the Monthly Accessibility and ctcLink Open Forum.
ctcLink-Coding Listserve to communicate ctcLink data coding related topics to college staff.
ctcLink-Mobile Provide colleges information about Mobile upgrades, fixes, downtimes
ctcLink-News Subscribe to the ctcLink Connect blog
ctcLink-OAAP Provide colleges information about OAAP upgrades, fixes, downtimes
ctcLink-security ctcLink Security
ctcLink-WorkingGroup ctcLink Working Group (governance - closed)
ctcLink_BusinessAnalysts ctcLink Business Analysts
ctcLink_POC ctcLink College Leaders Points of Contact (CLOSED)
Ctclink_qrydev ctcLink PeopleSoft Query Developers (closed)
ctcLinkCSSupport PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Users
ctcLinkfinaidsupport ctcLink PeopleSoft Financial Aid Users
ctcLinkSME-HCM ctcLink PeopleSoft HCM Users
ctcLinkSME-rpt ctcLink PeopleSoft General Reporting Users
ctcLinkSME_FIN ctcLink PeopleSoft Finance Users
ctcLinkSME_StuFin ctcLink Student Financials Users
CUSP Council of Unions and Student Programs
CWPC College Women's Programs Staff Members
DataAlerts Data Alert System
DataDev Data Developers
DataLink_BetaTesters Discussion of ctcLink BDRP installation issues
dataLink Datalink users forum
DbReport Database Reporting
DeanInstr Instruction Commission
DeanStu Student Services Commission (WSSSC)
deComposingENGL101 deComposingENGL101
DegAudit Degree Audit software users
DEOC Diversity and Equity Officers Commission (DEOC)
DevoAdv Development, Advancement, Fundraising - WA CTC only. Other higher education by invitation.
DGR Diversity Graduation Requirements
Digital-Repositories Digital-Repositories
DirFinAid Financial Aid Directors
DSSC Disability Services CTC
ECE-DCS Early Childhood Education Direct Course Sharing
ECTPC Early Childhood Teacher Prep Council ECTPC
ELC-AI State-wide AI Task Force run by ELC
ELC E-Learning Council - CLOSED LIST for eLearning Council Members
equity-compsci List to be used for updates to the Computer Sci Grant
ETAG Ed Tech Advisory Group
Evalwa Transcript and Credit Evaluation
Factc Faculty Association of Community and Technical Colleges
FDC Faculty Developers Community
FMS Financial Management System
FSWG Financial Statements Work Group
FYE-CSS College Success Courses
GEFVT Gainful Employment/Financial Value Transparency reporting
Grant_and_Contract Grant Accountants & Staff
GrantDev List to connect staff who develop and manage grants at CTCs.
GuidedPathways Information regarding Guided Pathways will be distributed via this listserv
HDEV Closed list for HDEV faculty at CBC
HE-DEI Communication channel for the Higher Education Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Collaborative (HE DEI)
Head_Lead_Custodian Information exchange for Head, Lead and other Custodians
HOWS Housing Officials Washington State [Pronounced HOUSE]
HP3K HP3000 Administrative Systems
HSC High School Completion
HSEtestcenters High School Equivalency Test Centers
ICRC Intercollege Relations Commission
ideal_alumni List for the IDEAL Fellowship that the State board offers.
INTL International/Global Educators within the State Board Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC's).
IPEDS Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System for SBCTC and WA CTC system
ITC-C Information Technology Commission closed listserv
LACES_WA For data entry staff to share best practices and ask peers for help.
LAN-WAN Networking - LANs and WANs
LCTA Learning and Tutoring Center Administrators
LIBRARYDIR WACTC Library Directors
LLN Latino Leadership Network
LMDC-CLOSED "members only" listserve for WA CTC Library Directors
LnSReporting [no description available]
LPNAcademicProgression Associate in Nursing DTA/MRP
Math for math instructors and advocates
MCSA Mutual Code Sharing Agreement Discussion (CLOSED)
Meetings-BAC Business Affairs Commission (BAC) open listserv
MRTE+ [no description available]
MRTE+ [no description available]
MSSDC Multicultural Student Services Directors' Council
Navigator-Cadre BEdA Navigation
NES Nursing Education Simulation
NWELC [no description available]
OAAworkgroup [no description available]
OFC Operations and Facilities Council
Okta-integration [no description available]
Open_Doors For college providers running Open Doors programs to ask questions and share ideas around program implementation and improvement
Openwa An open educational resources network for WA faculty and staff
OPEP [no description available]
OppGrant-Private_Colleges WA Opportunity Grant Program-Private Career Colletges
OppGrant WA Opportunity Grant Program
ORCA ORCA Directors Listserv
Outreach Outreach and recruitment for Community and Technical Colleges
PACTC Presidents' Assistants for Community and Technical Colleges
Personnel Human Resource Management Commission (HRMC)
Philosophy List for Logic and Philosophy teachers.
PIO Public Information Commission (PIC) - WA CTC only
PPMS Payroll/Personnel Management System group
PRES-C Presidents (WACTC)-closed
PRES Presidents (WACTC)
Pri-Faid Private FAID list
PRINT Print Resource Informational Network for Teams
PTLR Positive Time and Leave Reporting
Pubrec Records Officers and public records staff
PurchOff PAC listserv
Registrar-c [no description available]
REGISTRAR Admissions and Registration Council (ARC)
Researchers WACTC Institutional Research Staff
RO Residency Officers (RO)
Rprogramming For WACTC R programmers/users to get help and share code
RStart Running Start Coordinators
SARA State Authorization Compliance Efforts
SBCTC_Legislative_News Newsletter published during Legislative session
SBCTC_News_Links Subscribe at:
SBCTCWeeklyWrap Catch up with what's happening with Washington's community and technical colleges.
SbctcWintel SBCTC Support Group List
servicedesk_techs Open forum for techs to ask questions and share information.
SMS Student Management System
SQLHelp Structured Query Language help,to support DBA workgroup
SSEM Safety, Security and Emergency Management [no description available]
STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics advocates
STTACC Staff Training for Technical and Community Colleges
Student_conduct_officers Email list for CTC student conduct officers
Sustainability practices, programs, curriculum, etc.
TechPrep College/Consortium Tech Prep Directors
TestingCenters For Placement Testing Center Staff
TitleIXCo CTC Title IX Coordinators
TSR Technology Support Roundtable
Veterans Veteran and Military Services Council
Virtual Learning in Virtual Worlds
VTC Workforce Education Council
Wa_canvas Washington Canvas User Group
WAAC WAAC Listserv
WACampusCoalition Washington Campus Child Care Coalition
WACANE Washington Association of Collegiate Agriculture and Natural Resource Educators
WACouncil Washington Council for High School - College Relations
WACSE WA State CS faculty and staff
wactc-san WA CTC State Authorization Network dialogue
wactclc-alma WACTCLC Alma Discussion
Wactclc-primo WACTCLC Primo discussions
WACTCliaisons [no description available]
WACTCSA [no description available]
WACURE WA-Consortium for Undergraduate Research & Equity
waol-admin College LMS Domain Administrators
WARP Washington Assoc. for Research and Planning
WCAAB Washington Community and Technical American Indian Indigenous Studies Advisory Board
WCTCCA Washington Community and Technical College Counselor Association
WebDev Web Developers
WeDesign WeDesign
WESS Workforce Education Support Staff
WFoutreach King County Workforce Specialized Outreach Council Staff
WRCoord Worker Retraining Coordinators

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