mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to |
List | Description |
25Live | 25Live Functional & Technical Support |
aapi-wa | Asian American Pacific Islanders in WA CTCs |
ABEDir | Adult Literacy Directors |
ACC | Listserv for the Advising and Counseling Council |
Accred | Accreditation Forum |
ACT-TOC | Communication channel for the Association for College Trustees’ (ACT) Trustees of Color affinity group. |
AEW | Academic Early Warning software |
APR | Apprenticeship Community of Practice Group |
Association | The Association |
ATC | Articulation and Transfer Council of IC |
Atd-northwestconsortium | [no description available] |
ATLC | Assessment, Teaching and Learning Community |
BAC | Business Affairs Commission |
BkStCncl | Bookstore Council |
BkstMgrs | Bookstore Managers |
BLC | Baccalaureate Leadership Council |
BSCS | Bachelor of Science in Computer Science community of practice |
Campus-Research | Discussion of IRBs, research ethics, and research processes beyond Institutional Research |
CampusCE | CampusCE integrated with PeopleSoft |
Casas_cadre | for users of Casas Cadre system |
CATO | Distribution List for the Committee for Accessible Technology Oversight |
CAVP | Confidential Assistants to the Vice Presidents |
CBE | Competency-based education |
CBPS | Clean Buildings Performance Standards |
CESC | Career and Employment Services |
CHS | College in the High School program listserv |
Clams-l | College and Media Librarians of WA |
CMMS | Implementing Megamation software for facilities management |
ColDG | College Data Governance |
ContEd | Continuing Education |
Corrections_Edu_Deans | For connecting stakeholders from Corrections Edu Deans group for collaboration/communication. |
Corrections_Edu_Faculty | For connecting stakeholders from Corrections Edu Faculty group for collaboration/communication. |
Corrections_Edu_IT | For connecting stakeholders from Corrections Education IT for collaboration/communication. |
Corrections_Edu_Navigators | Corrections Education Navigators |
Corrections_HS_Plus | High School+ |
CRM-Admins | WA Community and Technical College CRM Administrators. |
CTC_Budget | Listserv for system budget managers |
CTCEP | Safety, Security and Emergency Management Council |
CTCLDA | CTC Leadership Development Association |
ctclink-accessibility | To facilitate communications related to the Monthly Accessibility and ctcLink Open Forum. |
ctcLink-Coding | Listserve to communicate ctcLink data coding related topics to college staff. |
ctcLink-Mobile | Provide colleges information about Mobile upgrades, fixes, downtimes |
ctcLink-News | Subscribe to the ctcLink Connect blog |
ctcLink-OAAP | Provide colleges information about OAAP upgrades, fixes, downtimes |
ctcLink-security | ctcLink Security |
ctcLink-WorkingGroup | ctcLink Working Group (governance - closed) |
ctcLink_BusinessAnalysts | ctcLink Business Analysts |
ctcLink_POC | ctcLink College Leaders Points of Contact (CLOSED) |
Ctclink_qrydev | ctcLink PeopleSoft Query Developers (closed) |
ctcLinkCSSupport | PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Users |
ctcLinkfinaidsupport | ctcLink PeopleSoft Financial Aid Users |
ctcLinkSME-HCM | ctcLink PeopleSoft HCM Users |
ctcLinkSME-rpt | ctcLink PeopleSoft General Reporting Users |
ctcLinkSME_FIN | ctcLink PeopleSoft Finance Users |
ctcLinkSME_StuFin | ctcLink Student Financials Users |
CUSP | Council of Unions and Student Programs |
CWPC | College Women's Programs Staff Members |
DataAlerts | Data Alert System |
DataDev | Data Developers |
DataLink_BetaTesters | Discussion of ctcLink BDRP installation issues |
dataLink | Datalink users forum |
DbReport | Database Reporting |
DeanInstr | Instruction Commission |
DeanStu | Student Services Commission (WSSSC) |
deComposingENGL101 | deComposingENGL101 |
DegAudit | Degree Audit software users |
DEOC | Diversity and Equity Officers Commission (DEOC) |
DevoAdv | Development, Advancement, Fundraising - WA CTC only. Other higher education by invitation. |
DGR | Diversity Graduation Requirements |
Digital-Repositories | Digital-Repositories |
DirFinAid | Financial Aid Directors |
DSSC | Disability Services CTC |
ECE-DCS | Early Childhood Education Direct Course Sharing |
ECTPC | Early Childhood Teacher Prep Council ECTPC |
ELC-AI | State-wide AI Task Force run by ELC |
ELC | E-Learning Council - CLOSED LIST for eLearning Council Members |
equity-compsci | List to be used for updates to the Computer Sci Grant |
ETAG | Ed Tech Advisory Group |
Evalwa | Transcript and Credit Evaluation |
Factc | Faculty Association of Community and Technical Colleges |
FDC | Faculty Developers Community |
FMS | Financial Management System |
FSWG | Financial Statements Work Group |
FYE-CSS | College Success Courses |
GEFVT | Gainful Employment/Financial Value Transparency reporting |
Grant_and_Contract | Grant Accountants & Staff |
GrantDev | List to connect staff who develop and manage grants at CTCs. |
GuidedPathways | Information regarding Guided Pathways will be distributed via this listserv |
HDEV | Closed list for HDEV faculty at CBC |
HE-DEI | Communication channel for the Higher Education Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Collaborative (HE DEI) |
Head_Lead_Custodian | Information exchange for Head, Lead and other Custodians |
HOWS | Housing Officials Washington State [Pronounced HOUSE] |
HP3K | HP3000 Administrative Systems |
HSC | High School Completion |
HSEtestcenters | High School Equivalency Test Centers |
ICRC | Intercollege Relations Commission |
ideal_alumni | List for the IDEAL Fellowship that the State board offers. |
INTL | International/Global Educators within the State Board Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC's). |
IPEDS | Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System for SBCTC and WA CTC system |
ITC-C | Information Technology Commission closed listserv |
LACES_WA | For data entry staff to share best practices and ask peers for help. |
LAN-WAN | Networking - LANs and WANs |
LCTA | Learning and Tutoring Center Administrators |
LIBRARYDIR | WACTC Library Directors |
LLN | Latino Leadership Network |
LMDC-CLOSED | "members only" listserve for WA CTC Library Directors |
LnSReporting | [no description available] |
LPNAcademicProgression | Associate in Nursing DTA/MRP |
Math | for math instructors and advocates |
MCSA | Mutual Code Sharing Agreement Discussion (CLOSED) |
Meetings-BAC | Business Affairs Commission (BAC) open listserv |
MRTE+ | [no description available] |
MRTE+ | [no description available] |
MSSDC | Multicultural Student Services Directors' Council |
Navigator-Cadre | BEdA Navigation |
NES | Nursing Education Simulation |
NWELC | [no description available] |
OAAworkgroup | [no description available] |
OFC | Operations and Facilities Council |
Okta-integration | [no description available] |
Open_Doors | For college providers running Open Doors programs to ask questions and share ideas around program implementation and improvement |
Openwa | An open educational resources network for WA faculty and staff |
OPEP | [no description available] |
OppGrant-Private_Colleges | WA Opportunity Grant Program-Private Career Colletges |
OppGrant | WA Opportunity Grant Program |
ORCA | ORCA Directors Listserv |
Outreach | Outreach and recruitment for Community and Technical Colleges |
PACTC | Presidents' Assistants for Community and Technical Colleges |
Personnel | Human Resource Management Commission (HRMC) |
Philosophy | List for Logic and Philosophy teachers. |
PIO | Public Information Commission (PIC) - WA CTC only |
PPMS | Payroll/Personnel Management System group |
PRES-C | Presidents (WACTC)-closed |
PRES | Presidents (WACTC) |
Pri-Faid | Private FAID list |
Print Resource Informational Network for Teams | |
PTLR | Positive Time and Leave Reporting |
Pubrec | Records Officers and public records staff |
PurchOff | PAC listserv |
Registrar-c | [no description available] |
REGISTRAR | Admissions and Registration Council (ARC) |
Researchers | WACTC Institutional Research Staff |
RO | Residency Officers (RO) |
Rprogramming | For WACTC R programmers/users to get help and share code |
RStart | Running Start Coordinators |
SARA | State Authorization Compliance Efforts |
SBCTC_Legislative_News | Newsletter published during Legislative session |
SBCTC_News_Links | Subscribe at: |
SBCTCWeeklyWrap | Catch up with what's happening with Washington's community and technical colleges. |
SbctcWintel | SBCTC Support Group List |
servicedesk_techs | Open forum for techs to ask questions and share information. |
SMS | Student Management System |
SQLHelp | Structured Query Language help,to support DBA workgroup |
SSEM | Safety, Security and Emergency Management | | [no description available] |
STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics advocates |
STTACC | Staff Training for Technical and Community Colleges |
Student_conduct_officers | Email list for CTC student conduct officers |
Sustainability | practices, programs, curriculum, etc. |
TechPrep | College/Consortium Tech Prep Directors |
TestingCenters | For Placement Testing Center Staff |
TitleIXCo | CTC Title IX Coordinators |
TSR | Technology Support Roundtable |
Veterans | Veteran and Military Services Council |
Virtual | Learning in Virtual Worlds |
VTC | Workforce Education Council |
Wa_canvas | Washington Canvas User Group |
WAAC | WAAC Listserv |
WACampusCoalition | Washington Campus Child Care Coalition |
WACANE | Washington Association of Collegiate Agriculture and Natural Resource Educators |
WACouncil | Washington Council for High School - College Relations |
WACSE | WA State CS faculty and staff |
wactc-san | WA CTC State Authorization Network dialogue |
wactclc-alma | WACTCLC Alma Discussion |
Wactclc-primo | WACTCLC Primo discussions |
WACTCliaisons | [no description available] |
WACTCSA | [no description available] |
WACURE | WA-Consortium for Undergraduate Research & Equity |
waol-admin | College LMS Domain Administrators |
WARP | Washington Assoc. for Research and Planning |
WCAAB | Washington Community and Technical American Indian Indigenous Studies Advisory Board |
WCTCCA | Washington Community and Technical College Counselor Association |
WebDev | Web Developers |
WeDesign | WeDesign |
WESS | Workforce Education Support Staff |
WFoutreach | King County Workforce Specialized Outreach Council Staff |
WRCoord | Worker Retraining Coordinators |
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