[Wctcca] Update to WCTCCA Bylaws

Hoaglin, Sarah shoaglin at rtc.edu
Fri Oct 20 10:12:25 PDT 2023

Hello to all our WCTCAA members and those considering joining,

Our Steering Committee, with guidance from our former president, has carefully reviewed and updated the WCTCCA Bylaws. Surprisingly, it had been nearly a decade since the last changes were made. During this process, we noticed several important areas that needed attention, especially concerning diversity, equity, inclusion, and 'virtual meetings.'

We understand how busy everyone is, so we've kept these changes concise and straightforward. To make sure everyone is on board, we're planning a quick vote just 10-15 minutes before our training session next Friday, on October 27th at 9 AM. Your input and approval are crucial to moving forward.

We'd appreciate it if you could take some time to review these proposed changes before our meeting. If you spot anything that needs more work or if you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to any member of our Steering Committee:


  *   Jen Houge: President:  wctccapres at gmail.com<mailto:wctccapres at gmail.com>
  *   Sarah Hoaglin: Vice President:  shoaglin at rtc.edu<mailto:shoaglin at rtc.edu>
  *   Kristi Leksen: Secretary: kleksen at everettcc.edu<mailto:kleksen at everettcc.edu>
  *   Matthew Cullen: Technology Officer: mcullen at greenriver.edu<mailto:mcullen at greenriver.edu>
  *   OPEN POSITION: Treasurer: Get involved at www.wctcca.org<http://www.wctcca.org/>
  *   Paris Davis: Member at Large: paris.davis at wwcc.edu<mailto:paris.davis at wwcc.edu>
  *   Kattie Dang: Member at Large: kattie.dang at bellevuecollege.edu<mailto:kattie.dang at bellevuecollege.edu>
  *   Devon Klein: Past President: dklein at greenriver.edu<mailto:dklein at greenriver.edu>


'To be radical is not to disrupt but rather to reimagine'

Sarah Hoaglin, LMFT (she/her)
Behavioral Health/Academic Counselor
Student Services
shoaglin at rtc.edu<mailto:shoaglin at rtc.edu> | rtc.edu/behavioral-health<https://www.rtc.edu/>
3000 NE 4thSt., Renton WA 98056
Students Succeed at RTC.

           REFER A STUDENT FOR BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES HERE<https://rtc.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3jWrPnCnPUgPU1v>
           If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call the 24-Hour Crisis Clinic hotline: 866-427-4747.
           TTY: 206-461-3610

     To schedule CURRENT STUDENT ADVISING: Student Success Center (office365.com)<https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/RTCStudentSuccessCenter@rtc.ctc.edu/bookings/>

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