[Wctcca] referrals for mental health and healthcare services

Liz McKinney emckinney at greenriver.edu
Tue Apr 11 15:23:58 PDT 2023

Hi all,
I imagine many of us in college/university counseling centers are receiving calls and emails from businesses asking us to promote their services on our webpages (such as services for mental healthcare, physical/medical healthcare services, services for specific issues or populations, etc.). We used to get a few every now and again but lately the frequency of such requests has ramped up. We've been having some interesting conversations about this. That, combined with the articles below, got me wondering about the legalities of providing links to such resources on our webpage (even though these articles aren't specific to mental health referrals). So, before asking our administration to possibly take this up with the college's legal counsel, I thought I'd ask this group to see how others are approaching this or if you've noticed an uptick in such requests? And more specifically, I wonder if we, as counselors and as institutions, face liability/risk if we make a referral, but, for whatever reason, it goes entirely south. So, for example, let's say I refer a student to a community mental health agency. The student engages in services with a provider at that agency and has a terrible experience that rises to the level of malpractice. The student files a lawsuit against the provider. As the provider who made the referral, could I be liable in this situation?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts/experiences.
Take care,

Be Careful When Making a Referral<https://usiaffinity.typepad.com/attorneys_preferred_blog/2021/04/be-careful-when-making-a-referral.html>
>From time to time, your clients may ask you to refer or recommend another professional either incident to or completely unrelated to the service you provide. This might be a request for a referral for an accountant to help with a client’s taxes and estate planning work. Unfortunately, the referred...

Can a Physician be Held Liable for a Negligent Referral?<https://www.healthcarelawfirm.net/2020/10/26/negligent-referral/>
Philadelphia physician lawyers at Sidney L. Gold & Associates, P.C. provide legal counsel to physicians accused of making negligent referrals. 215-569-1999.

~Liz McKinney, Ph.D.
GRC Counselor
253 351 6672

Counseling and Health Services Mission Statement
Counseling and Health Services fosters student success and retention by teaching emotional coping techniques, informing and educating students on relevant health and wellness topics, and developing effective self-care skills for optimal lifelong psychological and physical health.

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"Smile, breathe, and go slowly." Thich Nhat Hanh

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