[wactclc-alma] user roles expiring

Hill, Carleigh CarleighH at bigbend.edu
Mon Sep 25 11:10:30 PDT 2023

Hi abby (and all),

It may have been a bad code from the ctcLink file. I think sometimes scripts get changed and it only affects a few batches of loads before it's fixed, but then it's some field that doesn't get overwritten because the default is empty. I'm pretty sure I could create an analytics report to identify users who are not expired but have expired Patron roles.

Let me know if you want me to dig into this today... I see that your patron load has failed, and none of the Whatcom websites are currently available.


From: wactclc-alma <wactclc-alma-bounces at lists.ctc.edu> On Behalf Of Abby Koehler
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2023 10:59 AM
To: WACTCLC Alma Discussion <wactclc-alma at lists.ctc.edu>
Subject: [wactclc-alma] user roles expiring

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Hi all,
We have had many of our students' roles expire recently, requiring that we renew them individually when they go to check out something. I was having a hard time querying alma or finding these people to fix them preemptively until just recently when I realized it was the Patron role itself expiring, not the User Account.

Why there is a separate expiration for the role of Patron is beyond me. It's dumb. That said, I had submitted a ticket and got back some unhelpful language (below). I looked in the config for external users and no expiration is defined.

Has anyone experienced this? It's not a deal-breaker when it comes to circulation but it is annoying the heck out of me.
Thanks for any thoughts!

Case Title: users patron roles are expired but their account is not expired
Last Comment:
Hi Abby,

The user record expiry date is separate from the role expiry dates, and each role can have its own expiry.

How is the Patrons' expiry Role determined?

External Users have their Patron Role defined per the following tables: Configuration > User Management > Profiles, Role Assignment Rules, and User Registration Rules. If no expiration date is added to the Patron Role in the "Profiles" table, a new user that receives a Patron role will have an open date as Expiry Date.

Internal registration: The setting is defined in: Configuration > Fulfillment > Terms of Use and Policies > Filter by Type: User Registration. The "Patron Role Renewal Period" defines the amount of time by which the role of Patron for this user is renewed.(or initially defined).

For all users, the "Patron Role Renewal Period" will be used when the patron role is renewed, for example when loaning an item and receiving the message "User does not have a patron role or the role has expired":.

Please see this article (also attached to the case) for more information:


abby koehler


Systems Librarian

Whatcom Community College

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