[Wactclc-alma] Ex Libris Annual Meeting questions

Thomas, Kirsti Kirsti.Thomas at seattlecolleges.edu
Mon Feb 13 16:04:01 PST 2023

Pre-COVID & pre-Zoom-being-really-viable, the way it worked was that there were 2 days before the official ELUNA conference started where Ex Libris provided in-depth training for specific products (Knowledge Days). You paid extra for the Knowledge Days training.

I feel like the Knowledge Days track was mostly intended for new employees who joined after their libraries had migrated to whatever Ex Libris product(s) they were using and needed better training than they could get from the help manuals.

There was also a completely customer-run mini-conference called Developer Days that took place in the conference venue at the same time as Knowledge Days. You had to pay extra for Developer Days too, but it was *way* cheaper than Knowledge Days (something like $25-$50, compared to upwards of $100). Developer Days was focused on "add-on" software projects that individual libraries had implemented to make use of Alma-Primo in ways that were allowed by Ex Libris but not directly coded and maintained by Ex Libris.

The ELUNA conference itself was 3 days, with the mornings devoted to updates and sales pitches from Ex Libris and the afternoons devoted to 45-minute presentations by folks at libraries that use Ex Libris products, as well as one afternoon reserved for regional user group meetings.

I'm assuming this year will be a return to the way things worked pre-COVID and the ELUNA planning committee will only do the ELUNA conference in 2023 and not organize any ELUNA Learns sessions like they've been doing for the past few years.

I've made it a point to attend ELUNA every year and I've found it really helpful.

It's much more helpful for me than ALA, ACRL, or any other nationwide meeting. But I'm saying this as someone with her hands deep in the guts of ILS management.  If I can only attend 1 conference a year (which is the case), then I have to go with the ILS users group for whatever system my library is using.

I also usually present, which gives me a discount on the registration fees.

I'm mostly sure I'm going to attend ELUNA this year. I just have to check and make sure there are still rooms available at the conference hotel. I broke my foot in December and just heard from the podiatrist on Friday that it should be healed enough to be able to attend ELUNA by the beginning of May.

It will be ok!

Kirsti S. Thomas
Library Technical Services Manager & Systems Librarian
Seattle Colleges
kirsti.thomas at seattlecolleges.edu

From: Wactclc-alma <wactclc-alma-bounces at lists.ctc.edu> On Behalf Of Hill, Carleigh
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2023 13:02
To: WACTCLC Alma Discussion <wactclc-alma at lists.ctc.edu>
Subject: Re: [Wactclc-alma] Ex Libris Annual Meeting questions

I don't know about ELUNA Learns happening this year, I think that was their alternative to the Annual Meeting/Developer Days/Knowledge Days since 2020.

I will be attending in person, but not yet decided on Knowledge Days or Developer Days along with the annual meeting because they take place at the same time, but there's no info on Knowledge Days yet.


Carleigh E. Hill (she/her)

Services Manager



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From: Wactclc-alma <wactclc-alma-bounces at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:wactclc-alma-bounces at lists.ctc.edu>> on behalf of Abby Koehler <AKoehler at whatcom.edu<mailto:AKoehler at whatcom.edu>>
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2023 12:44 PM
To: WACTCLC Alma Discussion <wactclc-alma at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:wactclc-alma at lists.ctc.edu>>
Subject: [Wactclc-alma] Ex Libris Annual Meeting questions

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Hi all!

Is the Annual meetin<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fel-una.org%2Fmeetings%2Feluna-2023-annual-meeting%2F&data=05%7C01%7C%7C3a97dfbad86a4551883008db0ae0f5c1%7C02d8ff38d7114e31a9156cb5cff788df%7C0%7C0%7C638115733554977820%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=%2BQTzj0aVN3ZKt6SmrqqtPImPr6yYpycG%2FmmB1ql2WlY%3D&reserved=0>g with Knowledge Days being held instead of ELUNA Learns (the online programming/ sales pitch) or whatever it was called? It seems like at least part of the Annual Meeting is a conference that is user-driven, although I haven't attended any of them before and have heard it's been a little wacky the last few years with the pandemic. Are you going?

Thanks for any thoughts,


abby koehler


Faculty Systems Librarian

Whatcom Community College


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