[Wactclc-alma] WACTCLC Vendors presentations reminder

Hill, Carleigh CarleighH at bigbend.edu
Mon Feb 6 14:22:01 PST 2023

Good afternoon,

If you are interested in hearing directly from our most common vendors (and a few new ones), WACTCLC is hosting a series of presentations open to all state CTC librarians and staff. Topics will range from new products, to consortium subscription options, navigating support websites, and more.

All the information can be found here: Open Calls<https://libguides.bigbend.edu/c.php?g=1290815&p=9477672> and recordings will be posted afterward

The schedule is:
10-11, 2/7: EBSCOhost's new UI and the Panorama<https://www.ebsco.com/products/panorama> Analytics product Meeting link<https://bigbend.zoom.us/j/85681284299?pwd=ZlFGVnkrZjVhT25HV2xjdVRJR0tBUT09>

11-12, 2/9: Kanopy KBASE Q&A, special WACTCLC pricing Meeting link<https://overdrive.zoom.us/j/91227576621?pwd=VDFHalQ0VWVzVUNkalJkci9oaE5yUT09&from=addon>

10-11, 2/14: Lyrasis services for community colleges Meeting link<https://bigbend.zoom.us/j/85681284299?pwd=ZlFGVnkrZjVhT25HV2xjdVRJR0tBUT09>

10-11, 2/16: ProQuest Rialto<https://about.proquest.com/en/products-services/Rialto/> demo, a free book purchasing workflow for Alma Meeting link<https://bigbend.zoom.us/j/85681284299?pwd=ZlFGVnkrZjVhT25HV2xjdVRJR0tBUT09>

10-11, 2/21: GALE Academic Support Team for higher ed Meeting link<https://bigbend.zoom.us/j/85681284299?pwd=ZlFGVnkrZjVhT25HV2xjdVRJR0tBUT09>

10-11, TBA: JSTOR's new packaging option for community colleges - you're going to want to hear about this one!

I hope you will be able to join us, and if not, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions that I can direct to the vendors within the meeting.


Carleigh E. Hill (she/her)

WACTCLC Services Manager

Book a meeting with me<https://calendly.com/librarianchill/meet><https://calendly.com/librarianchill/30min>

509-795-0140 (text & voice)
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