[Wactclc-alma] Password-protected login via EZProxy

Thomas, Kirsti Kirsti.Thomas at seattlecolleges.edu
Tue Jun 14 12:01:06 PDT 2022


Thanks for mentioning the FormVariable<https://help.oclc.org/Library_Management/EZproxy/Configure_resources/FormVariable> option in EZProxy during the meeting today. I didn't even know that option existed.

If I understand correctly, we can use this in situations where we have password-protected access to an eresource when we get a single username/password that's intended to provide access for multiple users, yes?

We have a streaming video we licensed last year where the vendor posted the video on the Vimeo platform and then sent us a username and password that we have to give to any patron who wants to watch the video.

Instead of manually sharing the password when patrons ask for it, we could create a FormVariable EZProxy stanza with the password the vendor gave us. Then when a patron finds the video in Primo, clicks the link and authenticates in EZProxy, EZProxy will pass the password along to Vimeo and the patron will be able to watch it without having to contact us.

Is that correct or am I misunderstanding how the FormVariable option works?

It will be ok!

Kirsti S. Thomas
Library Technical Services Manager
Seattle Colleges
kirsti.thomas at seattlecolleges.edu<mailto:kirsti.thomas at seattlecolleges.edu>

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