[Wactclc-alma] Limited Library Services

Thomas, Kirsti Kirsti.Thomas at seattlecolleges.edu
Mon Mar 30 17:12:26 PDT 2020


The general consensus so far is that quarantining materials for a set period of time is the way to go:


The easiest, safest, and most inexpensive disinfectant is time. “This pandemic is a unique situation for most conservators, so we don’t know a lot about disinfecting generally, and this virus specifically,” says Knight. “Our view is that prophylaxis, or preventive measures, are best.”

Fletcher Durant, director of conservation and preservation at the University of Florida’s George A. Smathers Libraries, suggests that all libraries follow the March 17 ALA recommendation to close to the public. “Isolation for a minimum of 24 hours, and preferably 14 days, is the best disinfectant,” he says. “It is simply the best and safest thing that we as librarians can do at this time.” Durant says it’s about protecting libraries as well as the public. “Libraries could provide a risk vector for the spread of the disease, which, beyond the direct health impacts, could reduce the public trust in libraries,” he says.

That also means libraries should plan to stay closed until the risk of public infection is eliminated. “We would be the first to say that we are not equipped to make recommendations on virology, bacteriology, or medical matters,” says Nadal. “Quarantine past the viability of the virus is the best plan.”

Some ideas we're considering for when we do re-open is (a) temporarily eliminating short-term loan periods and (b) allowing equipment like Chromebooks to circulate for longer periods of time, possibly the entire quarter.  The more you can reduce the number of people handling an object, the more you reduce potential routes of infection.

Other actions to consider include:

  *   keeping library doors locked and only allowing controlled access to limited numbers of individuals at a time
  *   installing plexiglass barriers at any public service points
  *   installing barriers between staff desks and workspaces if multiple staff work in an open area

One idea for returns once we re-open is to require all returns to be placed in an external book drop (if one is available), and have staff with masks and gloves empty the drop box into plastic bags once a day, label the bags with the day they were filled, and store the bag in a closed room for 3-4 days.  After 3-4 days, staff would then open the bag and check in materials, backdating the due date.  You'd want to extend all your grace periods to account for this check-in delay. You'd also need to either turn off the Overdue and Lost Loan jobs, or set any location where items go into Lost status quickly to delay the Lost status until after things come out of quarantine.

It will be ok!

Kirsti S. Thomas
Library Technical Service Manager
Seattle Colleges
kirsti.thomas at seattlecolleges.edu<mailto:kirsti.thomas at seattlecolleges.edu>

From: Wactclc-alma <wactclc-alma-bounces at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:wactclc-alma-bounces at lists.ctc.edu>> On Behalf Of Traci Taylor
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2020 14:09
To: 'WACTCLC Alma Discussion' <wactclc-alma at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:wactclc-alma at lists.ctc.edu>>
Subject: [Wactclc-alma] Limited Library Services


I don’t know if this is the proper thing to post here, but it is the easiest way to talk to everyone. It is a continuation of a topic we have discussed before, laptop checkouts and more. What is your library planning to do with the distribution of books, laptops, etc. to students for spring quarter? Will you be open with limited service prior to the quarter start? Do you have procedures in place for receiving books and laptops? What about quarantine? Any information you can provide is greatly appreciated.

Please feel free to email me directly.


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