[Wactclc-alma] WACTCLC Exec Comm Mtng

Guidry, Wade WadeG at bigbend.edu
Fri May 24 17:23:31 PDT 2019

Sorry, this was intended for the governance committee...

Wade Guidry
Library Consortium Services Manager, WACTCLC
wadeg at bigbend.edu<mailto:wadeg at bigbend.edu>
(509) 760-4474

From: Guidry, Wade
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2019 5:06 PM
To: 'WACTCLC Alma Discussion' <wactclc-alma at lists.ctc.edu>
Subject: RE: WACTCLC Exec Comm Mtng

Grandview is sort of a one-off, based on YVC's arrangement with the city of Grandview. I don't know if that really has an LLC audience. It's more a matter of Alma / Primo program participants understand that engaging such projects becomes the ongoing responsibility of the institution, not the consortium.

Regarding CPTC.. To me its an issue of how institutions are proactively planning (or not) with how to cope with reduced enrollment. For us, that means particularly the library. Are libraries downsizing their service footprint in response to falling resources in a realistic or organized way? That might be of LLC concern. Though, since each institution is managed independently, its not really a CTC library policy issue.

It is an WACTCLC issue, though, from the perspective of Alma / Primo. Participation in the Alma / Primo project was supposed to require each institution committing two people to achieving Alma admin level general competence, in addition to identifying qualified functional leads for fulfillment and for cataloging. We didn't really get there, and if anything that situation has gotten worse, not better, over time. Especially at schools with fewer than 2,000 state-funded FTE (and we have more headed that way, based on the Winter 2019 numbers). For those schools, Alma / Primo may not even be the best use of limited library staffing.

If I were a director or dean, one path I'd consider would be to go all electronic. Just drop the ILS, and physical circulation (which is anemic anyway), in favor of one major e-vendor, either Ebsco or ProQuest, and use their discovery tool as your primary search. Or even Google Scholar. And then add packages around the edges to meet specialized needs. If you need to circulate course reserves, or legacy physical material, use a low end or free circulation tool (which do exist).

Another path would be to roll those schools up into a single Alma instance somewhere. But that would still require staff at those institutions dealing with day-to-day Alma functions on the retail side. (Alma is already hosted, so moving it elsewhere doesn't change a whole lot). Rolling those smaller libraries up into larger, more viable libraries is a possibility. But that makes the most sense if the institutions themselves are being merged. (I think merging two viable libraries, like Pierce and Tacoma, into a single Alma instance is a different scenario. With the goals more about collaboration and coordination between the two libraries, than removing overhead from one of the libraries).

To be honest, I don't really know what the answers are. One the one hand, we want to provide similar and equitable library service everywhere. On the other, we want to enable collaborative, peer-to-peer, consortial activity amongst the membership. And only a subset of our institutions are able to effectively engage in that.

Wade Guidry
Library Consortium Services Manager, WACTCLC
wadeg at bigbend.edu<mailto:wadeg at bigbend.edu>
(509) 760-4474

From: Wactclc-govcomm <wactclc-govcomm-bounces at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:wactclc-govcomm-bounces at lists.ctc.edu>> On Behalf Of Christie Flynn via Wactclc-govcomm
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2019 4:15 PM
To: wactclc-govcomm at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:wactclc-govcomm at lists.ctc.edu>
Subject: Re: [Wactclc-govcomm] WACTCLC Exec Comm Mtng

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Thanks for binging this up.
I appreciate the complexity of the situation with Grandview.
I think this will lead to a good discussion, if not at next week's meeting (which is only an hour), then an upcoming meeting.  I think it can fold into a conversation that we may have at LLC, too, about lower enrollment, Shellie's vacant position, etc.

From: Wactclc-govcomm <wactclc-govcomm-bounces at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:wactclc-govcomm-bounces at lists.ctc.edu>> On Behalf Of Guidry, Wade via Wactclc-govcomm
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2019 1:48 PM
To: wactclc-govcomm at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:wactclc-govcomm at lists.ctc.edu>
Subject: Re: [Wactclc-govcomm] WACTCLC Exec Comm Mtng

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Just FYI, one of the topics I'll bring up in my updates is the Alma implementation at Grandview.

As I expected, Grandview is primarily a community library. Less than 5% of the circulation data in their current Polaris ILS is from YVC students and faculty.

And the patron count split between public and academic is about the same. (With about 4,600 public library, or community, patrons, compared to about 400 academic ones. )

Also as I expected, from what I've seen and heard so far, my guess is that the Grandview staff will likely struggle with Alma. And they do not have any kind of direct reporting or financial relationship to a CTC institution (they work for the city, and do not report to Tammy).

As I expressed when we last discussed this topic, I think it's great that YVC wants to establish and support cross-jurisdictional projects like this one with the city of Grandview. More power to them.

But as I also expressed the last time, I do not see myself in a direct support or advisory role to anyone in Grandview. My interactions and ongoing work will be with YVC. And Tammy, and / or whoever takes this on at YVC, will need to provide any support necessary for Grandview. And my approach would be the same for any CTC library that wanted to adopt an outlying community library like this.

All of this is really just a repeat of the discussions we had previously. (The only difference being, because I've had to do their data extract for them, I've seen from a statistical standpoint the extent to which they mostly operate as a community, rather than academic, library.)

But I wanted to bring it up again because, assuming WACTCLC would like to renew my contract for another year, I want to make clear what my perspectives are regarding Grandview, and its relation to the WACTCLC Alma / Primo project as a whole.

Wade Guidry
Library Consortium Services Manager, WACTCLC
wadeg at bigbend.edu<mailto:wadeg at bigbend.edu>
(509) 760-4474

From: Wactclc-govcomm <wactclc-govcomm-bounces at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:wactclc-govcomm-bounces at lists.ctc.edu>> On Behalf Of Christie Flynn via Wactclc-govcomm
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2019 1:48 PM
To: wactclc-govcomm at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:wactclc-govcomm at lists.ctc.edu>; Lesley Caldwell <LCaldwell at pierce.ctc.edu<mailto:LCaldwell at pierce.ctc.edu>>; 'cwatkins at tacomacc.edu' <cwatkins at tacomacc.edu<mailto:cwatkins at tacomacc.edu>>
Subject: [Wactclc-govcomm] WACTCLC Exec Comm Mtng

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Hi all,
My first attempt at finding a meeting time didn't generate a time that worked for all of us.
Here is a second attempt:  https://doodle.com/poll/79yksmnaw46yybqc
If this doesn't work, I'll work with a meeting time that works for the most of us.
Thanks for your patience,
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