[Wactclc-alma] Employee data imported into ALMA

Nina Pitts NPitts at pencol.edu
Mon Feb 26 14:30:14 PST 2018

Hi, Sally,

At Peninsula, we do not intentionally load employee home addresses or phone numbers in Alma. We don't use personal email addresses, either - we use college-issued email addresses. The way this looks in the User details in Alma is that the person's preferred address is UNAVAILABLE, the phone number field is empty, and the preferred email address is the person's campus email.

That doesn't mean that no personal employee information exists in Alma, though. I checked about a dozen instances, and found several employees for whom we had home info. (About 25% of my tiny sample.) Some of these were students before they became employees, although not all. So, because of the "unavailable" addresses, it could indeed be that HR takes action to code employee records confidential - but if they do, it's an imperfect science. :)  I did notice that several employees, including myself, have our personal cell phone numbers in our records, even though our addresses are "unavailable".

As far as us using personal data (where it does exist), we don't. All notices to employees go through email, or we might call someone's campus extension with additional information (for example, regarding an ILL).

Hope this is useful - let me know if you have any questions!


Nina Pitts
Library Supervisor
Peninsula College Library/Media Center
1502 E. Lauridsen Blvd.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
(360) 417-6274
npitts at pencol.edu

From: Wactclc-alma [mailto:wactclc-alma-bounces at lists.ctc.edu] On Behalf Of Stephanie Levesen
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 1:15 PM
To: WACTCLC Alma Discussion
Subject: Re: [Wactclc-alma] Employee data imported into ALMA

Hi Sally,

Here at Skagit Valley College, we put the home addresses/numbers of employees in our system.  We used to send notices to them that way, but now that Alma emails all notices to everyone, we just send notices to email.

We rarely use the home addresses/phone numbers of our employees that are in the system.  When I have to look up an employee I use the college's online directory for their office room/phone number.

Hope this helps.

Stephanie Levesen
Norwood Cole Library
Skagit Valley College
2405 E College Way
Mount Vernon, WA  98273


From: Wactclc-alma [mailto:wactclc-alma-bounces at lists.ctc.edu] On Behalf Of Sally Sheedy
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 12:53 PM
To: 'WACTCLC Alma Discussion' <wactclc-alma at lists.ctc.edu<mailto:wactclc-alma at lists.ctc.edu>>
Subject: [Wactclc-alma] Employee data imported into ALMA

Dear wise ones,

I am putting out a call for some "how you do it at your library" responses.

1.       I want to know which colleges have employee home addresses and/or home phone numbers for their employees in Alma.

As I understand the SBCTC process parameters, you can indicate that you don't want to copy over home addresses or home phone numbers if those fields are designated as confidential. Further, I believe that in order to prevent any of this data from going into Alma, the HR department would have to code all of the employees as having confidential addresses and phone numbers.  *Please let me know if I am wrong about this.*

2.       I would like to know if you make use of this data, eg. Send notices to employees' homes, or look up home phone numbers in case you need to call after hours.



Sally Sheedy
Systems Librarian
Whatcom Community College Library
237 West Kellogg Road
Bellingham, WA 98226
360-383-3287  (library 3300, college 3000)
ssheedy at whatcom.edu<mailto:ssheedy at whatcom.edu>

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