[Wactclc-alma] FW: case #00584280, Title: Empty Pick List

Lesley Caldwell LCaldwell at pierce.ctc.edu
Tue Aug 14 13:11:42 PDT 2018

Hello again,

In case you are curious, here is Ex Libris’ response.

Apparently, it did have something to do with implementation, so I’m curious why some of our cohort’s rules were set one way, and others not.


From: Support Portal <supportportal at exlibrisgroup.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 12:24 PM
To: Lesley Caldwell <LCaldwell at pierce.ctc.edu>
Subject: New comment received for case #00584280, Title: Empty Pick List ref:_00D300NaN._5000e1NHMfZ:ref


Dear Lesley Caldwell,

A new comment was received for case #00584280:

Case Title: Empty Pick List

Last comment:
Hi Lesley,

Thanks for your message.

My understanding is this was a result of the August release, when a fix for an issue where Alma was ignoring certain Request Pickup Rules (created automatically by Ex Libris during implementation) was resolved.

When the fix went live, these rules actually took effect, and since the 'Show in Pick From Shelf' setting had been set to 'False' (but incorrectly functioning as if it had been set to 'True'), requests suddenly disappeared. In other words, I don't think the setting was changed from 'True' to 'False' as part of the release, it just started functioning that way.

Please let me know if you have any other questions!


Elizabeth Farrell
Technical Support Analyst

Status: Waiting for Process

Priority: Normal


Our ILL librarian noticed over the weekend that our requests are not getting filtered into our "Pick From Shelf" lists on either campus. I'm attaching a screenshot.

Here are some of the requests she put in:
Better than Carrots or Sticks,
Japanese the Manga Way
Fractals in Music
Riding High
Unbreakable (DVD)
Sound and Light

To test this morning, I put in some titles using both Primo and Alma. You can see in the attached screenshots that they are showing in Requests, but not the Pick From Shelf.

Any ideas?

Direct Link: Click Here <https://exlibrisgroup.my.salesforce.com/5000e00001NHMfZAAX>

Best Regards,
Ex Libris Support

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