[Wactclc-alma] End of the quarter and fines returned after quarter end date

Stephanie Levesen Stephanie.Levesen at skagit.edu
Mon Dec 11 12:32:45 PST 2017


We're only open today, Monday, Dec. 11 after our quarter ended on 12/8.  I updated the calendar so that the end of term/end of quarter is set for 3/14/2018 today.

For the materials I'm getting back today that accrue fines, I notice the fines aren't actually getting put on their account.  When I check it in, I see that the person owes $6.00 ($3 for each piece of equipment), yet when I look at their fines/fees amount on the record, it only shows the $6.00 that they owe from before - in November.

I'm wondering if the fines are accruing because I changed the dates in the calendar and the person was registered for Winter quarter.

I've adjusted the calendar back so the end of term/quarter is back to 12/6/2017, but I'm wondering if that matters when fines accrue.

Anyone else experiencing check ins that should accrue fines but don't?  I have a specific example if needed.


Stephanie Levesen
Norwood Cole Library
Skagit Valley College
2405 E College Way
Mount Vernon, WA  98273


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