[Etag] ETAG Meeting Agenda - Weds, April 22, 1:00pm

Lentini, Marc MLENTINI at highline.edu
Mon Apr 20 16:57:26 PDT 2020

Hi ETAG Colleagues,

I hope this message finds you healthy and safe, and perhaps with two spare minutes to rub together in your day.

We’re sticking to our regular monthly meeting schedule for Ed Tech Advisory Group, with the fourth Monday of the month. The full agenda for this meeting is available on the ETAG shared drive<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ughqmgj3L5v3enoNgsHnTpGkD8mEu01VF-9l_pjupvA/edit?usp=sharing>. Two highlights:

  *   Mark (Jenkins) will update us on the status of system purchases and research in support of the Covid response
  *   We’ll do a group debrief of our response to date, specifically looking at how to prepare for Summer and Fall quarters.

That’s Wednesday, April 22, 1:00-2:30pm. Tune your fancy new fangled converged device to Mark Jenkins’ Zoom Room<https://zoom.us/my/markjenkins> to join in.

Virtually yours,
ETAG co-chair

Marc Lentini | Director of Educational Technology | Highline College
v: (206) 592-3778 | http://people.highline.edu/mlentini | @malapertmarc

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