[DEOC] [EXTERNAL] (no subject)

Neal, Vanessa VNeal at clark.edu
Tue Dec 5 14:51:33 PST 2023

Thank you for sending Sophia.

I found some other documents to forward to you all - I went in and added my name to the excel spreadsheet it wasn't listed there. Here is more information about the DEI Faculty Fellows Program I was forwarded (along with that document):

DEI Faculty Fellows Program (Pilot: Fall 2024 - Spring 2026)

Expanding American Indian Studies and Ethnic Studies in WA CTCs

Vik Bahl (Green River College, English Faculty)

Sophia Agtarap (SBCTC, EDI Director)

Description and Rationale

The DEI Faculty Fellows Program is designed to diversify faculty in WA's 34 community and technical colleges (CTCs).  The program entails the hiring of a cohort of early-career "visiting scholars" for two-year temporary full-time positions with expertise related to American Indian Studies and Ethnic Studies into various departments and programs at participating colleges.  The program would prioritize the hiring of faculty who would bring discipline-specific expertise to meet the needs of students of color, WA communities of color, and WA Tribes.  The program would also build a viable pipeline of highly qualified diverse candidates for tenure-track positions as these become available at the CTCs by allowing faculty fellows to gain teaching experience, become familiar with our community colleges, receive mentorship, and have opportunities for professional development.  (In addition to attracting new instructors into WA's CTC system, current adjunct faculty would be eligible to apply, thereby being supported and compensated for their responsibilities and services that often fill institutional gaps through invisible labor.  Current tenured or tenure track faculty in the CTCs would not be eligible to apply.)

Key Elements

*         Two-year full-time temporary positions

*         5+ new positions for the pilot program (2024-26), based on the number of colleges interested and funding

*         Multi-College Consortium of colleges and departments interested from the 34 CTCs

*         Possible Position responsibilities (tailored mix)

o    Teaching one to two courses per quarter

o    Curriculum and course development

o    Support the professional development of colleagues (e.g., through conducting workshops and trainings, leading a faculty learning community, etc.)

o    Student and community engagement, e.g., via collaboration with Multicultural Student Services offices

o    Participation in statewide or multi-college networks and initiatives related to one or more communities of color based on experience and expertise.

*         Fellows' Own Professional Development and Relations

o    Teaching development support and evaluation (comparable to the function of a tenure committee)

o    Receive mentorship (collaborate with the Faculty of Color Mentoring Program)

o    Attend and/or present at conferences (FSOCC, NW Regional Equity Conference, NCORE, etc.)

o    Participate in cohort workshops, seminars, and other opportunities

o    Learn about the CTC system, individual college governance, opportunities for faculty leadership, and career trajectories, e.g., department chairship, union leadership, administration, etc.

*         Potential Innovations

o    Courses taught at more than one college (with one or more home colleges)

o    Enrollment from more than one college

Document Links

*         DEI Faculty Fellows Program (one-pager)<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gCuZmqBkmP8lqEZ0e0fU7bga1hB4jwQptuUcRFgSpIA/edit?usp=sharing>

*         Kickoff meeting slides (Oct 19-20)<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PzR0Pk8D_dMJWFVQS4F424fio6Kx-t-Kmh-IClQi_cQ/edit?usp=sharing>

*         Spreadsheet for the Interested Colleges<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HOF3gmjk7jZI37meHUQvBO3oH-vrN42tO5A5k3gZY6s/edit?usp=sharing> (editable): fill out the row for your college

Fall Quarter Planning Meetings (attend as available)

Tuesdays, 1-2 pm:  Nov 7, Nov 21, and Dec 5 (zoom<https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83006394589?pwd=NG9xMXVXaVJabittNkltSXZkbkRwZz09>)

Fridays, 2-3 pm: Nov 17, Dec 1 (zoom<https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83680017292?pwd=dlVVU0hRZ0tKTEsrMlFzQm1UM2FwQT09>)



Vanessa C.K. Neal (she/her)
Vice President of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion/
Diversity and Equity Officer
Clark College, Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (ODEI)
Mail Stop: TGB 121
Phone: 360-992-2757
Email: vneal at clark.edu<mailto:vneal at clark.edu>

From: DEOC <deoc-bounces at lists.ctc.edu> On Behalf Of Sophia Agtarap via DEOC
Sent: Tuesday, December 5, 2023 2:37 PM
To: DEOC <deoc at lists.ctc.edu>
Cc: Sophia Agtarap <sagtarap at sbctc.edu>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [DEOC] (no subject)

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This proposal has been in development since before I started my role (Dr. Claudine Richardson and Vik Bahl had originally created a proposal if I am correct), but having had some extra funds this spring, I supported Vik Bahl in exploring what this could look like as he gathered models from around the country and what could work in our context here in the WA CTCs given commitments to DEI, antiracism, and ethnic studies and American Indian Studies.

After our retreat I had asked for some dates for Vik to present to the DEOC, and since I've had to leave to be with my grandmother in Manila, Vanessa has volunteered to do that coordination.

Having learned that my budget is a third that it was last biennium, I have made it clear that this isn't an effort that we can fully fund at the state board without support from organizations like the Gates Foundation or the legislature.

That being said, I appreciate the postdoc-like nature of the proposal to give folks an opportunity to "try on" a faculty and admin-ish role while explicitly embedding mentoring and equity and antiracism PD in the program.

The attached proposal that Vik drafted has already shifted since the it originally reflected the state board supporting the effort in some financial way.

I will admit that I was under the impression that teams were forming exploratory groups at their colleges and that you all were a part of that, and I am learning that hasn't in fact been the case.

Hope that's helpful context.


Sophia Kristina R. Agtarap (she/siya)

Director, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

Book time to meet with me<https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/user/428a9a0a3cb14afe82036360d2d894a8@sbctc.edu?anonymous&ep=signature>

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