[CTCLDA] Updates from the CTCLDA

Chance Stewart cstewart at sbctc.edu
Wed Oct 3 15:49:01 PDT 2018

Hello CTCLDA Members,

I wanted to reach out and give an update as to the happenings of the CTCLDA.

First and foremost we had a great summer conference. Thank you to our Keynote Speaker Dr. Eddie Moore Jr. and our Plenary Speakers Dr. Marvin Fairman and Dr. Tim Mills. There was a ton of information about changing the cultures and structures of our organizations.  It is also vital to thank all the presenters of our breakout sessions. These sessions were extremely well received and a huge part of the success of the conference.

The Board was pleased to present the Excellence in Leadership Award to Dr. Karen Bolton of Olympic College. We also awarded four scholarships, three to students and one to an employee of our member colleges. I have attached the press releases for the awards detailing the great things the recipients are doing. A great big congratulations to all the award winners.

As I am getting my feet wet as the Interim Executive Director, the CTCLDA had been ramping up its efforts to offer new personal and professional development opportunities.

*       The Fall conference is quickly coming upon us and today the registration website went live. We will be joined at this conference by Dr. Lucy Arellano. Dr. Arellano is a professor in the doctorial programs at Oregon State University specializing in higher education and community colleges. She joined us at the Summer conference and is excited to be a part of our program this Fall. She will be joining us to discuss some of the challenges that are facing the community and technical college system. We will also be opening another call for proposals, this time with a very specific focus on the theme Organizational Health. I will send out a separate email to call for proposals for those interested.  Please register for the Fall Conference using the following link: https://www.regonline.com/ctcldafall2018conference

*       In the days before the Fall conference we will be offering at least two workshops put on by the Society for College and University Planning, the Planning Institute I. These workshops are designed to help colleges to evaluate their strategic planning process and create a roadmap to success. As of 10/3 I have sent out an invitation to those on the waitlist to join our second session. When I have this straightened out I will offer up the remaining spots to those that are interested. If we have enough requests, I would love to plan additional sessions. I have also been preparing to offer workshops for the Planning Institute II so stayed tuned!

*       We will be offering a new program called The Leadership Academy. This will be a three day program that will happen once a quarter, the day before each of the conferences. Each day will consist of two to three sessions covering a variety of topics vital for leadership in the CTC system. We will have our first session on November 29th. I am building the online registration and will send out the link and more information by the end of the week.

I am feeling very blessed for the opportunity to work with the Board, the colleges, and all of our members. If you have any questions about our events or would like to share a workshop idea for future consideration please reach out. Thank you for all you do for the CTC system and for our students.

Chance Stewart, MA
Interim Executive Director
CTC Leadership Development Association
cstewart at sbctc.edu<mailto:cstewart at sbctc.edu>

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